
1日前  · 

◆あらためて署名のお願いです/Once again, we are asking you to sign the following petitions







註1 「名前」は本人であればハンドルネーム等でも構いません。

註2 「住所」都道府県のみでも構いません。

註3 駐日イスラエル大使館には最終「増野徹ほか〇〇名」の表記のみで提出します

( 第二次集約9月28日) 協力お願いできそうな団体・個人もご紹介ください


◆CHANGE ORGもスタートしました拡散お願いします

 駐日イスラエル大使あて https://chng.it/QP6KNm4KxF

 日本政府宛       https://chng.it/ChwjbVJQLK



◆Please join us in signing a petition to the Israeli Ambassador to Japan and to

the Japanese government.

 In June of this year, an Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) soldier made a

reservation to stay at a hotel in Kyoto City, and the manager at the time told him that the IDF was currently committing massacres in Gaza, Palestine, in violation of international humanitarian law, and that he was concerned that he would be complicit in such acts. The Israeli Ambassador to Japan said that he

was concerned about the situation. The Israeli Ambassador to Japan attacked this as “nationality discrimination,” and our Foreign Minister and others followed suit. This is in line with the suppression of criticism of genocide by the

Israeli government in Germany and other countries by twisting it into “anti-Semitism,” and we cannot just sit back and accept it. Please join us in protesting and signing a petition to the Israeli Ambassador to Japan and to the Japanese government.

Note 1: “Name” can be your handle or other name as long as it is your own.

Note 2: “Address” can be only prefecture.

Note 3: We will submit the final form to the Israeli Embassy in Tokyo with only the notation “Toru Masuno and ◯◯ others.

※Second round of collection will be on September 28.

※Please also introduce us to organizations and individuals who may be able to

cooperate with us.


◆Please spread the word!

 To the Israeli Ambassador to Japan https://chng.it/QP6KNm4KxF

 To the Government of Japan https://chng.it/ChwjbVJQLK