







この宣言の中で、出席者はイスラエルの入植者植民地主義、アパルトヘイト、大量虐殺を強く非難しています。 また、利益をもたらす武器の供給と安保理の拒否権の使用によってこの大量虐殺を可能にしている西側の強力な同盟国を非難しています。


「瓦礫の下や難民キャンプのテントからパレスチナ人の声が聞こえています。 パレスチナの痛みは私たちの痛み。 パレスチナ人のゆるぎない信念(スムッド)は、私達が学ばなければなりません。 彼らの闘い、私たちの闘い。」

BDSキャンペーンを支持し、停戦を求めるよう世界に訴えています。 軍隊の撤退、 再建、補償、賠償、 そして政治犯の釈放を求めています。

「パレスチナ人民とともに立つということは、人道、正義、平等とともに立つことを意味します。 それは、反パレスチナ人種差別、反黒人人種差別、反ユダヤ主義、反イスラム教徒差別など、あらゆる形態の人種差別に立ち向かうことを意味します。」


アマンドラ! アウェトゥ! 人々に力を!



Speech on the Occasion of Nakba Day, May 18, 2024 Gerry Yokota

Thank you  all for turning out to support the Palestinian right to return.

I have received some encouraging news from South Africa that I want to share with you all today.

From the 10th to the 12th of May, an international conference called the Global Anti-Apartheid Conference on Palestine was held in Johannesburg, and they published the Johannesburg Declaration on the last day of the conference.

In this Declaration, they condemn Israel’s settler-colonialism, apartheid, and genocide. They also condemn the powerful western allies who enable this genocide by their profitable supply of weapons and use of the UNSC veto.

They reiterate that apartheid is a crime against humanity.

And they affirm that Palestinian voices are being heard from beneath the rubble and from the tents in the refugee camps. They affirm that Palestinian pain is our pain. Their steadfastness (sumud), our steadfastness. Their struggle, our struggle.

They appeal to the world to support the BDS campaign and call for a ceasefire; the withdrawal of military forces; reconstruction, compensation, and reparations; and release of political prisoners.

“Standing with the Palestinian people means standing with humanity, justice and equality; it means standing against all forms of racism: anti-Palestinian racism, anti-Black racism, antiSemitism, Islamophobia.”

They close with this powerful call from the South African anti-apartheid movement:

Amandla! Awethu! Power to the People!

