ジェリー・ヨコタさん(ジェンダー平等研究者) 「ガザからの声に心を傾けて」集会にて
















ジェリー ヨコタ 2024.4.13


For the first 3 months of this year, an international movement called the Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage was held in 19 countries, in over 170 cities around the world. The Osaka Pilgrimage took place on March 23. Tonight, I’d like to tell you all about the significance of that action and my thoughts about what we can do to strengthen our support for the people of Palestine.

I am a veteran of the anti-apartheid movement. There are of course many historical, political, and cultural differences between South African apartheid and Israeli apartheid. But I still believe there is much wisdom to learn from the South African experience.

Many of you are probably familiar with these famous words of Nelson Mandela: “We know well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.” Mandela understood intersectionality.

To broaden our movement, we must strengthen those intersectional connections. The Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage was such an opportunity for me. It was an opportunity for reflection. Christians around the world acknowledged the church’s complicity in colonialism and Zionism and sought to repent and make reparations. Just as many Jewish people around the world are starting to raise their voices against the Netanyahu regime, Christians are also beginning to wake up. Just as they have acknowledged their complicity in slavery and South African apartheid, they are starting to acknowledge their complicity with the oppression of Palestinians.

I know there is a strong distrust of Christianity in Japan, for good reason. The sins of Christian Zionism are deep. But please know that there are also Christians who are working to change this. Please do not allow the wall of prejudice to harden your heart against all Christians.

Muslims, Jews, and Christians all worship the same God. I believe there is potentially great power if we act in solidarity with anti-Zionists in all these traditions. And I believe in the power of art and music to communicate the cry for a just peace at the root of all these traditions. I would like to end by sharing one such song. I will first explain the lyrics in Japanese, and then ask a fellow pilgrim and artist from the Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage, Ramone Romero, to sing it for us.

Where were you when the bombs began to fall?

Where were you when I lost it all?

God is in the rubble, reaching for my hand.

God is in the wreckage, helping me to stand.

God is with the people who cry freedom in this land.

God is in the rubble with me to the end.

Where are you?   (Ike Ndolo)

Gerry Yokota, April 13, 2024