

4月13日に行われた、「ガザからの声に こころを傾けて」集会にメッセージを寄せてくださいました。










 私は反シオニストであるユダヤ人で、アメリカとイスラエルの両方の市民権を持っています。父はハイファで生まれ、私はシカゴで育ちました。私の家族にはパレスチナ占領地域に住み、イスラエル国防軍で戦った者がいる。私のドイツ系ユダヤ人の曽祖父母もアウシュビッツで亡くなりました。私は広島パレスチナ祈念共同体のメンバーであり、Jewish Voice for Peace Hawaiiのオーガナイザーでもあります。これはジェノサイド(大量虐殺)であり、ユダヤ人の名においてこのようなことが起こることを許さないということをお伝えするためにここに来ました。













 私はパレスチナ解放を支持する、日本で最も公的なユダヤ人の声です。パレスチナ解放のために必要なことは何でもする。私は恐れていません。私たちは自分自身に問いかけなければならない。私たちの世界を非軍事化するために、私たち自身の快適さ、私たち自身の "楽 "な生活のどの部分を犠牲にするつもりなのか。戦争と殺戮に費やされる数十億ドルを終わらせるために。私たちの環境にとって最大の脅威である米軍にストップをかけるために。


今週、岸田外相とバイデンはワシントンDCで会談し、日米安全保障同盟について話し合う。パレスチナは兵器の実験場だ。イスラエルは主要な兵器技術ディーラーだ。日本はイスラエルやアメリカの兵器メーカーとの取引を通じて、この大量虐殺に深く加担している。誰も台湾をめぐる戦争を望んでいない。私たちは皆、沖縄に友人や同志がいる。私の家族はフィリピンに住んでいる。自由なパレスチナのための闘いは、アジアの友人や家族の安全に直結している。そしてもちろん、私たちが広島で毎日言っているように: パレスチナは核の問題です。







 フリー・フリー・パレスチナ フリー・フリー・ガザ



Good evening everyone. My name is Rebecca Maria Goldschmidt. Thank you to Yakusige-san for the opportunity to share a message. I’m sorry I cannot be there today. Today marks 6 months of our standing in Hiroshima at the Atomic Bomb Dome in solidarity with the people of Palestine. I decided to stay here to honor our work.

I’m an anti-zionist Jew. I have both American and Israeli citizenship. My father was born in Haifa and I grew up in Chicago. I have family members who live in Occupied Palestinian Territories and who fought in the IDF. My German-Jewish great grandparents also died in Auschwitz. I am a member of the Hiroshima Palestine Vigil Community and an organizer with Jewish Voice for Peace Hawaii. I am here to tell you that this is a Genocide and I refuse to allow it to happen in the name of the Jewish people.

We are here today because we have witnessed over 6 months of horror at the hands of the Israeli state. Over 40,000 Palestinians have been murdered by the State of Israel. 20,000 orphans. 75,000 injuries. It’s impossible to understand the immensity of the damage in numbers. The destruction of culture. The ecocide. The prisoners. In Judaism we say if you kill a single person, you extinguish an entire world. This is not only in Gaza, but in the West Bank. Settler-soldiers continue to terrorize, arrest, and murder people and children. Whole communities are being forced from their land. And our Palestinian friends in the diaspora are suffering as they watch it all from afar.

It is hard for us to imagine from Japan. Here we are (generally) safe from police brutality. We don’t have much backlash from Zionists. We don’t have as much of an ideological battle to overcome. Japanese people know that killing children is wrong. Our greatest challenge in Japan is apathy.

As a Jew, I am asking each of you to continue to raise your voices together. Our voices united across Japan are making a difference. You probably know this already, but I’ll remind you from a Jewish perspective: anti-zionism is NOT anti-semitism. Critique of the fascist State of Israel and the murderous Israeli military is NOT antisemitic! Worldwide, antisemitism is being weaponized against anyone speaking out against Israel’s crimes. Israel cannot be stopped without international pressure.

I believe strongly that Israel does not have the right to exist. I believe that Jews can be safe in the diaspora if we build safe communities together. Jews have lived for thousands of years in a multitude of cultures and communities. Zionism is a political idea that is only 150 years old. Judaism has existed for over 3000 years!

I am the most public Jewish voice in Japan in support of Palestinian Liberation. I will do whatever it takes to Free Palestine. I am not afraid. We have to ask ourselves - what risks are we willing to take? What part of our own comfort, our own “easy” lives, are we willing to sacrifice to demilitarize our world? To end the billions spent on war and killing? To put a stop to the number one threat to our environment - the US military?

This week, Kishida and Biden are meeting in Washington DC to discuss US-Japan security alliance. Palestine is a weapons testing ground. Israel is a major weapons technology dealer. Japan is deeply complicit in this genocide through its trade with Israeli and American weapons manufacturers. No one wants a War over Taiwan. We all have friends and comrades in Okinawa. My family lives in the Philippines. The fight for a Free Palestine is directly related to the safety of our friends and families in Asia. And of course, as we say every day in Hiroshima: Palestine is a nuclear issue.

We must see the bigger picture for our future safety. And we also must understand the unique, 75+ year oppression of the Palestinian people. I am very grateful to every single one of you who keeps showing up. Let us keep building our bridges and taking collective action together between our communities. Hiroshima is ready to take action for Palestine with all other people in Japan! Please reach out to us with your ideas. I am proud of the work you have done in Osaka and hope to see you soon! I believe that we WILL see a FREE PALESTINE In Our Lifetime! Freedom for Palestine means Freedom for All! FREE FREE PALESTINE! FREE FREEFREE GAZA