Hey! Welcome to my corner of the internet where I lay out my thoughts, feelings and experiences for your reading entertainment. Whatever your purpose for scrolling on Ameba, I hope some of my content is enjoyable for you. I created this blog as an opportunity to just write, express myself and share some of my most exciting experiences as a kiwi (or kakapo as I prefer) living in Kansai, Japan, 

My family (Hubby and one gorgeous kiddo) moved to Japan in August 2023 to fulfil our dream of living and travelling in Japan. Over the last 8 months, we have experienced the ups and downs of international relocation, assimilating into an entirely new culture and witnessing the beauty of learning a new language organically. Unfortunately my Japanese requires much much MUCH more work but what better place to learn than within the native country itself. 

Part of the attraction of Japan for me is the rail network. As an autistic person with ADHD, I am happily subscribing to the cliche notion that autistic people love trains and embracing the absolute joy Japan's extension rail network brings me (and yes, I have a TikTok dedicated to this also).  I should also mention that you may frequently see Sylvanian Families posts on this blog, as another special interest of mine is the adorable little critters that originate from Japan and the endless variety of sets that Japanese toy stores have (again, I have another TikTok just for posting about these). 

Within this blog, I hope you can find something that makes you smile, laugh or feel curious and enjoy the ramblings of a New Zealand living in Kansai, Japan as I discover exactly what makes this place feel so much like home.