つかの間のSunnyDay! | カノン(シンガーソングライター)の日記 Powered by Ameba


Hi there! yesterday, I had recording for the radio show "Heaven`s Radio"!夜空

We featured Eva Cassidy in one of the week; a great, great Amerccan singer, with a fabulous voice, who sadly passed away at the age of 33 in 1996.

To tell you the truth, I did not know her music until Ide-san(co-host) introduced me her songs via the show.

The moment I heard her voice, I fell in love. I could feel this intence emotion hidden under the phrases, and was really really touching.

Those of you who haven`t heard her songs yet, I advise you to listen to her songs. They are beautiful, and heart warming.

ちょっと間が開いてしまってゴメンナサイm(_ _ )m


一週ではEva Cassidyと言うアメリカの歌手をフィーチャーしましたラブラブ




BTW, the report of my Live-Performance from April 24th Charity Event held by DogearRecords has been updated on their blog! For those of you who are interested, please have a look at the link listed below!

Dog Ear Records presents 犬耳家 親族会議 vol.6」のレポートが5月27日付けのドッグイヤーレコーズさんのブログで紹介されました!!是非ご覧になってみてくださいね~~音譜


Yesterday, I went to Nihonbashi Mitsui-Tower Atrium, to see a charity concert, titled "Messeage from Nihonbashi".

Yucca and Le Velvets performed yesterday, and was very enjoyable!
I will be performing on the 13th, and it`s free entrance, so please come if you have time!

Date: June 13th (Monday)
Time:12~13pm(I will be perfoming at 12)
Place:Nihonbashi Mitsu-Tower Atrium (Mitsukoshimae-A8)

昨日は日本橋三井タワーアトリウムにて開催された東日本大震災 被災地復興支援・JFNヒューマンコンシャス募金チャリティコンサート「MUSIC MESSAGE from 日本橋」の第一回コンサートに行ってきました音譜

YuccaさんとLe Velvetsさんのソウルフルなステージを楽しませていただきました音譜

日時:6月13日(月) 開場11:30、開催時間12:00~13:00(カノン出演:12:00~)
   *入場整理券配布10:30 (200枚限定)