Getting close to the release date!! | カノン(シンガーソングライター)の日記 Powered by Ameba

Getting close to the release date!!

So, as we get close to the release date, I am starting to talk more about this new album " A New Story".音譜

Yesterday, I had pre-recording session for the radio show that I do, "Kanon sound Of Oasis". This show is OA every sunday midnight, but it`s quite hard to do it every week on live, so we pre-record the show before hand.

In the afternoon, I met up with Uematsu-san to do a pre-recording for another radio show, which is going to be OA on TOKYOFM on the 27th of April.グッド!

This is a Special programme, titled "The world of Classical-Crossover", and we we`ll be on the first half of the show, talking about classiacl-crossover music, and the new album, "A New Story".ラブラブ

昨日は午前中、「Kanon sound Of Oasis」の収録があり、午後は4月27日、私のミューアルバム発売日に放送予定のTOKYOFM特別番組「クラシカルクロスオーバーの世界」の収録がありました。


So, this is us having a meeting!音譜

カノン(シンガーソングライター)の日記 Powered by Ameba-打ち合わせ

Uematsu-san and I talked and talked and talked....LOL(´0ノ`*)
There`s just so much to talk about with him, and you know, you can learn so much from a legendary composer like him!!

カノン(シンガーソングライター)の日記 Powered by Ameba-booth

Some of you might have we seen us on USTREAM yesterday, too!
This was a first time experience for me to be on UST, and the whole process of us having the meeting and getting into the booth and talking, was taken on video and was uploaded on USTREAM. ビデオカメラ
I don`t know much about how the system works, but the system looked really high tech. and cool!!あげアップ


カノン(シンガーソングライター)の日記 Powered by Ameba-UST

This is Uematsu-san and I, after the recording!
See us holding the new album??ラブラブ

カノン(シンガーソングライター)の日記 Powered by Ameba-2ショット

So after that, we went over to SONY Nogizaka, to do an interview and a video shoot for this web site called ezweb-news.リンク
ビデオでもメッセージを言わせていただいたので楽しみにしていてくださいね!!о(ж>▽<)y ☆

カノン(シンガーソングライター)の日記 Powered by Ameba-Eznews

Also here, I talked a lot about my new album!ラブラブラブラブ!
カノン(シンガーソングライター)の日記 Powered by Ameba-取材

The interviewer-san showed me this article on this free magazine called "Music-Ups". アップ音譜
Apparently, you can get one of these at a record shop!
インタビューワーさんが見せてくれたのですが、「Music-ups」というフリーマガジンに "A New Story"が載ったそうです!!レコードショップなどで手に入るそうです音譜
カノン(シンガーソングライター)の日記 Powered by Ameba-雑誌

So tommorow, I have another interview...And this will take place at Uematsu-san`s placeおうちビックリマークSo, I am quite excited!!

I`ll report to you again, as soon as I get back!!

Well then, take care!


楽しみです~~о(ж>▽<)y ☆
