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University bonds
An education in finance

May 18th 2006 | NEW YORK
From The Economist print edition

America's colleges embrace the capital markets

(前略) Lehman Brothers reckons that the overall market for higher-education debt has tripled since 2000, to $33 billion, and there are abundant reasons besides the recent trend to believe that the market will grow much bigger yet.

Largely this is because colleges are only belatedly becoming aware of how useful the financial markets can be. No doubt some of their hesitation has been cultural: academics may have been reluctant to look at their universities as businesses; or they may have misunderstood what was needed to help those businesses grow.

If they did look at their institutions in economic terms, people in education tended not to think that universities lacked capital. Rather, they thought that they had a structural inability to use capital and labour more efficiently. Unlike the car industry, say, which is continually cutting the number of worker-hours needed to assemble a vehicle, many schools felt that they must maintain, or even increase, the ratio of employees (teachers) to customers (students). Small class sizes are taken as a signal of high quality, so investing money to save on teachers' salaries is not an attractive strategy. (後略)



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