Next generation!

It`s NEW

Origami Paper Airplane 2.

All Paper Planes Fly Big!

Akio Endoh (Japanese Creater)

Origami Paper Airplane in Japan



Super easy & High performanse

A simple paper plane that flies well using origami.


『Yakko Type Paper Air Plane』

Akio Endoh Model 

(Use the yakkosan folding method)


『Ropulos』 ©Akio Endoh 2017.06.30


Traditional type arranged by Akio Endoh

『Hesornashi Paper Plane』


Thunderbirds Model『Red Arrow』

©Akio Endoh 2019.04.06


High Performance Paper Plane『Aero』

©Akio Endoh 2020.06.14


Origami paper planes are super light.
So if you fly them outside, they will be defeated by the wind.
First of all, fly it indoors.
You will be amazed at its flying ability.
The paper airplanes listed here will perform very well.



For another new generation of paper airplanes, 

here is the entrance.

Low-wing paper airplanes

Paper plane for competition.



『PriPri Origami-hikouki』



※DeepL Japanese→English(US)