World new & editorials: Nikkei & Global times with Izumi - CAFE & CAFE: 口伝が織りなす賜Friday, October 29 at 7:00am JST with 土岐 泉 Toki Izumi, Osamu Minamihashi, Hanae Kaneko, Fumihiko Sato, Seiichi Haga, Yumiko Matsumoto. Editorials available at Ameba by visiting Twi…リンク

10/29 [社説]「1.5度目標」へ決意と行動迫るCOP26















COP29 asks Japan and the rest of the world to move forwards to make the temperature below 1.5 degree in comparison with the pre-Industrial Revolution days.

The Premier Kishida is scheduled to take part in this session and is encouraged to take lead in making the rest of the participating countries clarify what specific things they do.

Not only raising percentage of renewable energy in Japan’s energy resources but also giving developing countries aids to make them develop technological advancement.

Japan’s solar battery resources and battery and also technology of hydrogen energy have been highly appreciated. Research and development should be encouraged and also lowering the cost to compete with others should be done.


Tsai is inviting trouble by confirming presence of US troops on Taiwan: Global Times editorial

By Global Times

Published: Oct 28, 2021 11:35 AM

Tsai Ing-wen Photo:VCG

In an interview with CNN, Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen for the first time acknowledged the presence of US troops on the island for training purposes. She said the number was "not as many as people thought," but she noted "We have a wide range of cooperation with the US aiming at increasing our defense capability." 

Regardless of the purpose, the fact that US troops are stationed in Taiwan has crossed the bottom line. It is one of the most dangerous factors that could trigger a war in the Taiwan Straits. If the authority of the Democratic Progressive Party sees that the mainland does not take military actions today, it then believes that the mainland will not take military actions in the future and that the mainland will indulge any of their behavior to harm the country's sovereignty, this is an extremely dangerous misjudgment. They try to divide and betray China's sovereignty, and degenerate to sheer separatist traitors. History will not forgive them. The Chinese mainland has the ability to execute the history's just judgment on them.

We believe that people like Tsai Ing-wen and Joseph Wu have been extremely worried and troubled for a long time. They clearly understand that their secessionist ideas will never ever be accepted by the 1.4 billion Chinese people. The more these people collude with external forces, the faster the punishment from the mainland will arrive. As the secessionist forces on the island seek support and protection, at the same time, they are also pushing the mainland to decide to resolve the Taiwan question by force. They know very well that they are quenching their thirst with poison. They are hysterically drinking poison portion after portion.

The public in the mainland must have full faith in our country. Justice and time are on our side. So are our absolute military advantages to carry out the punishment. Moreover, we hold the initiative in deciding when to punish the Taiwan secessionist forces. We know how to solve the Taiwan question. The DPP authority is trying to put a higher value on itself with the help of unwelcome external forces. In this way it wants to split Taiwan from China. But they will be the losing side, this is the only result. 


In an interview with CNN, Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen for the first time acknowledged the presence of US troops on the island for training purposes. 

Task says “We have a wide range of cooperation with the US aiming at increasing our defense capability."

The paper says “Regardless of the purpose, the fact that US troops are stationed in Taiwan has crossed the bottom line. It is one of the most dangerous factors that could trigger a war in the Taiwan Straits” and also says “The public in the mainland must have full faith in our country. Justice and time are on our side. So are our absolute military advantages to carry out the punishment. Moreover, we hold the initiative in deciding when to punish the Taiwan secessionist forces.”