To people from foreign countries ニコニコ

My name is Yuko Iwasaki.

I live in Kakogawa, Hyogo prefecture.

Kakogawa is my hometown.

I'm chairing an English club which is named Kako-English.

I started this club last April.

It has been about one year.

You can join our club with your kids.

I do something fun for kids too.

I usually hold our English club activity at public halls in Kakogawa.

We talk about various topics in English. 

We also play games in English.

If you cannot speak English very well, it's okay.

Please don't worry about it.OK

Just listening is okay.

I believe that you can make friends.

Let's communicate with each other in English.

We have some participants from Harima-cho and Takasago city.



【June in 2024】



@Kitabefu public hall

Fee:Adult 500yen


Please bring something to drink.

Access to Kitabefu public hall👇️

If you want to join us,please contact me(Yuko Iwasaki).

You can call me or send an email to the address below.


電話079-451-5215(Yuko Iwasaki)

If I didn't answer, please leave a message.

I will call you back.



I'll reply the email within 24 hours.