こんにちは。ライフコーチ 松本晃秀です。多義語の罠この単語知っているのに意味がとおらない...そんなことを感じたことはありませんか?品詞がちがったら別の意味になることもあります、同じ品詞でも文脈によって意味が変わってくることがあります。英語を読んだり、聞いたりするときに引っかかるポイントになります。でも安心してください!多義語の数は限られています。日頃出会うものをチェックしていくとそのうち必要な単語を覚えてしまいます。この記事では日頃であった多義語を集めてご紹介していきます!☆asas | meaning of as in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCEas meaning, definition, what is as: used when you are comparing two people, ...: Learn more.www.ldoceonline.comasの使い方を押さえていないと読むのも話すのも困ります!☆article Top 10 articles this quarter -Top Ten Newsletter | Third Quarter 2022新聞やニュースの記事、法律などの条項、物をいみすることもあります。(≒item, thing)article | meaning of article in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCEarticle meaning, definition, what is article: a piece of writing about a particular su...: Learn more.www.ldoceonline.com動詞のarticulateを意識するとイメージつきやすいかもしれません。articulate | meaning of articulate in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCEarticulate meaning, definition, what is articulate: to express your ideas or feelings in wor...: Learn more.www.ldoceonline.com☆boardHow effective boards approach technology governanceAs technology’s importance to the business increases, management needs stronger board guidance on tech decisions. Four engagement models have proven useful.www.mckinsey.comboard | meaning of board in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCEboard meaning, definition, what is board: a flat wide piece of wood, plastic etc t...: Learn more.www.ldoceonline.com板、掲示板、委員会といった意味がありますね。 One more class! Get on board. もう一クラスできたよ。さあ乗り込もう!☆book☆ Book a free 1-on-1 consultation call - an email message from Mindvalley You could write your book up to 80% faster - an emailmessage fromSteve Harrisonbook | meaning of book in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCEbook meaning, definition, what is book: a set of printed pages that are held tog...: Learn more.www.ldoceonline.com予約する、本あと、bookkeepingも知っておかないと勘違いしそう。笑bookkeeping | meaning of bookkeeping in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCEbookkeeping meaning, definition, what is bookkeeping: the job or activity of recording the fin...: Learn more.www.ldoceonline.com🌟companycompany | meaning of company in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCEcompany meaning, definition, what is company: a business organization that makes or se...: Learn more.www.ldoceonline.comcompanyは会社だけではない! People judge you by the company you keep. Things began to go wrong when he got into bad company. -LDOCE☆fall It's your last chance to join the Kahoot! EDU Fall Meetup tomorrow! -email from Kahoot!fall | meaning of fall in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCEfall meaning, definition, what is fall: to move or drop down from a higher posit...: Learn more.www.ldoceonline.com落とす、落ちる、倒れる秋、下落☆major,minor When minor memory loss becomes a major concern -news letter ,Harvard Medical Schoolマイナー、メジャーは形容詞でよく使われます。動詞ではどんな意味になるでしょう?major in やminor inといった使い方をします。major | meaning of major in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCEmajor meaning, definition, what is major: having very serious or worrying results...: Learn more.www.ldoceonline.comminor | meaning of minor in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCEminor meaning, definition, what is minor: small and not very important or serious,...: Learn more.www.ldoceonline.comminorは名詞だと未成年。知っている単語も油断できませんね。☆last It's your last chance to join the Kahoot! EDU Fall Meetup tomorrow! -email from Kahoot!last | meaning of last in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCElast meaning, definition, what is last: most recent or nearest to the present ti...: Learn more.www.ldoceonline.com最後の、最後、続く☆practice中学校では「練習」と習いますが、その後「練習」だけでは理解できない文に出会うことになります。例えば practice lawpractice | meaning of practice in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCEpractice meaning, definition, what is practice: when you do a particular thing, often re...: Learn more.www.ldoceonline.compractise | meaning of practise in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCEpractise meaning, definition, what is practise: to do an activity, often regularly, in o...: Learn more.www.ldoceonline.com Learn how to build a thriving coaching practice☆rule Don’t let back pain rule your life! -heartbeat, Harvard Medical Schoolruleは名詞ならルール、規則、動詞なら支配するといった意味になります。Enjoy reading your favorite books!☆松本晃秀からのメールマガジン☆【幸せ人生の原理】Life Principleshttps://www.reservestock.jp/subscribe/7010【今スグ英語!】自分らしい英語が今スグできる!https://www.reservestock.jp/subscribe/108578【英語ビズ】 英語のおしごとガイド はじめ方、伸ばし方https://www.reservestock.jp/subscribe/70104