Few fields in philosophy are so seemingly distant from ordinary human experience as theories of knowledge How much information do we draw in from bodies outside of us And to what degree do our perceptual and mental processes subjectify that information to the point of becoming nonobjective The Heart of Matter Bridging the Kantian Gap in How We Know Things presents both a back history of current theories of perception and a plausible theory to span the gap between subject and objectThis book begins with Sir Karl Poppers theory of falsifiability as a twentiethcentury version of Kantian subjectivism Before considering eighteenthcentury transcendental philosophy a look at both the empirical and rational theories that inspired Kant helps place his Critique of Pure Reason in context This book highlights the developments in Kants thought as he struggled to solve important problems within his Copernican revolution How far does Kants theory coincide with our actual perceptual