作家であると言ってみる | kagihiro3047のブログ



#みたか #プロント #パスタ #美味しい #ジェノベーゼ #駅構内でゆっくり出来るよ

#ショートストーリー #発想  #考え 

#毎日 #すとーりーづくりだけでよい


#Mitaka #Pronto #Pasta #Delicious #Genovese #You can relax in the station.

 #shortstory #idea #thought #thinking

 #You can just #make #sutori every day.

 Suppose you think you are a writer. I try to think of myself as a writer, even if I'm working, even if it's tough, even if it's hard, even if I'm part of a family. Then you can relax a little. Anything can be material for writing, and above all, I can get my life's work as a writer from that alone. You are free to be a writer even if you don't sell. It is better than you can imagine to live your life as an unsuccessful writer.