Native American style drone flutes are dual chambered flutes, playing a drone through the left, and melodic playing on the right chamber. They produces a deep bass tone creating a peculiar immersive sound experience






The Vietnamese stone lithophone, a musical gem originating from the S-shaped country, is not just a traditional instrument but also an emblem of Vietnamese creativity and artistic finesse. Crafted from natural stones, the lithophone not only captivates listeners with its unique sounds but also narrates stories of the nation's history and culture.

The history of the lithophone is vast and profound, drawing inspiration from ancient times in Vietnam. It emerged in traditional festivals, religious ceremonies, and notably in crucial communal rituals. The lithophone transcends being a mere musical tool; it is an integral part of spirituality and culture, playing a crucial role in connecting people with nature and each other.

The primary material for crafting the lithophone is natural stones, meticulously shaped to produce instruments with distinctive and captivating sounds. The artisans are often individuals with high technical skill and dedication, passing down their artistry through generations, ensuring that the craft maintains its quality and cultural value.

Each lithophone carries a story, a fusion of artistry and the maker's passion. The sounds emanating from the lithophone represent a harmonious blend of the flow of time and traditional beauty. The lithophone serves not only as a symbol of cultural diversity but also as a treasure contributing to enriching the global musical landscape.

In today's era, the lithophone continues to shine in artistic performances, serving as a wellspring of inspiration for young artists. Preserving and developing the art of lithophone craftsmanship is not only a cultural conservation effort but also a means for future generations to immerse themselves in the traditional music, appreciating its beauty and profound significance.







