1 study studied studied
2 choose chose chosen
3 pay paid paid
4 leap lead(leapt) lead(leapt)
5 rob robbed robbed
6 win won won
7 hurt hurt hurt
8 swim swam swum
9 flow flowed flowed
10 fly flew flown

1 This book is useful to me.
This book was useful to me.
This book will be useful to me.
2 My aunt buys me an album.
My aunt bought me an album.
My aunt will buy me an album.
3 I get up at seven.
I got up at seven.
I shall(will) get up at seven.
4 Do you stay at home?
Did you stay at home?
Shall(Will) you stay at home?
5 Is he able to carry out the task?
Was he able to carry out the task?
Will he be able to carry out the task?