1 I have read all of those books.
I have not read of all of those books.
I have read none of all those books.
2 Both of the boys are diligent.
Both of the boys are not diligent.
Neither of the boys are dilident.
3 Everybody likes jazz music.
Everybody does not like jazz music.
Nobody likes jazz music.

1 This is Jane's doll.
Whose doll is this ?
2 I went on a picnic with my sister.
With whom do you went on picknic ?
3 I met Bill at the station.
Who did you meet at the station ?
4 There is a vase on the table.
What is there on the table ?
5 I like tea better than coffee.
Which do you like better, tea or coffee ?
6 It is Monday today.
What day of the week is it today ?



1 Greece Greek
2 Rome Roman
3 Asia Asian,Asiatic
4 Europe Europian
5 Egypt Egyptian
6 Canada Canadian
7 India indian
8 Ireland Irish
9 Africa African
10 Korea Korean