1 him
2 it
3 he
4 it
5 he
6 it
7 his
8 I

1 副 形
2 副 副
3 副 形
4 形 副
5 副

Once a little ant was walking along the bank of a stream.
 副 形 形   名 助動 動詞   前  形  名 前 形 名
His foot slipped and he fell into the water.
 代  名  動   接 代  動  前 形  名
"Oh, help, help!" cried the ant.
 間  動   動   動  形  名

名詞 代名詞 動詞 形容詞(冠詞を含む)副詞 前置詞 接続詞 間投詞(感嘆詞)

1 There are three Yamadas in our class.
2 We ordered two teas and three coffees.
3 There are two bottles of wine on the table.
4 Won't you have a grass of tomato juice?
5 The Japanese are industrious people.

1 deep deth
2 lomg length
3 high height
4 safe safety
5 angry anger
6 live life
7 appear appearance
8 lose loss
9 collect collection
10 please plesure