(1) All the boys in this class are diligent.
(2) I am very glad to hear of your success.
(3) I have lived in this city since last year.
(4) How many guests are comming to party ?

k2  主部     述部       主語 述語動詞
(1)The sun / rises in the east.  sun  rises
(2)The bird in the cage / is a canary. bird is
(3)a few books / There are on the desk.books are
(4)What can / I do for you? I can do
(5) - / thnk you very much. I 省略 Thank

(1)目的語 vacation
(2)主格補語 dark
(3)間接目的語 box 直接目的語 upstairs
(4)間接目的語 husband 直接目的語 present
(5)目的格 door補語 open

The poor →girl,basket← of cake,into the woods→ went,After a while →came,to a little pool→ came,a little→ pool, very→ tired sat← on a rock, something← black,in the pool→saw

(1)Every child grows rapidly.
(2)Father always comes home after dark.
(3)A stranger was standing in the doorway.
(4)Is there any post office in this neighborhood?
(5)Most department stores open at ten in the morning.

(1)She turned pale at the sad news.
(2)He looks from different other boys.
(3)Your dream may come true.
(4)It is getting warmmer day by day.
(5)This flower smells sweet.

(1)We shall have fine weather this afternoon.
(2)My grandfather has a very good memory.
(3)How many children do you have?
(4)Will you have milk in your coffee?
(5)May I have this paper bag?
(6) We had a very good time.

(1)Will you kindly show me the way to the park?
(2)How much do you owe him?
(3)Can you spare me a few minutes?
(4)She bought her daughter prity doll.
(5)He left his childen nothing.

(1)You must always keep your hands clean.
(2)What do you call this flower in Engkish?
(3)Do you belive that rumor true?
(4)I heard the thunder roaring.
(5)I could not make myself understood.

(1)Mr. Smith is not our teacher.
(2)It will not rain tomorrow.
(3)Her mother did not go to Frence.
(4)He has not travelled much.
(5)We did not have music lessons yesterday.

(1)Can a cat see in the dark?
(2)Are they going to the movies?
(3)Do you have a tape recoder?
(4)Does he go to school by bus?
(5)Did the wind blow hard?

(1)Yes,it does.
(2)Yes, it is.
(3)It has eight legs.
(4)There are thirty days in June.
(5)It is the capital of Spain.

(1)There are seven days.
(2)George Washington was.
(3)It is in Paris.
(4)It is made from grapes.
(5)We say it when we go to bed.

(1)How fortunate he was!
(2)What an early riser you are!
(3)What a dreadful sight it was!
(4)How hard it rain!
(5)Hoe quickly time flies!

(1)Open your textbooks at page thirty-six.
(2)Be careful in clossing the street.
(3)Don't be afrade of makeing mistakes.
(4)Please help yourself to the cake.
(5)Let's not talk about it any more.

(1)かつて、ニコラスと呼ばれる大変親切な男が住んでいた。 単
(2)彼は彼の近くに住んでいた老人に彼はお金をあげることを望んだ。 複
(3)彼の近所で一番貧しい老人は、そのお金をどうしても受け取らなかった。  重
(4)クリスマスイブにニコラスは暖炉の傍で寝ている彼を見つけた。そこで彼は煙突からお金を落としてやった。  重