To National Exam



Now we have rain almost every day in Rwanda. And the time of blackout is increasing. We have a terrible rain disaster in west region but my east region is OK now.


It is likely to difficult to forecast the weather in Rwanda. So, weather forecasts are not accurate. Like this movie, it is not unusual that we are having rain as soon as we had sunshine.


It is fine weather today.

今学期は高1から高3のナショナルイグザム(日本でいう大学入試共通テスト)の授業を担当しています。点数は100点満点で、何とテスト時間は3時間です。3時間も集中力を持続させるのは大変だと思います。きっと終わったらヘトヘトでしょうね。担当している生徒たちは数学、化学、生物学、アントレプレナーシップ(起業、Entrepreneurship)、一般教養?(ジェネラルスタディ、General Studies)の5教科です。日本とだいぶ異なりますね。

I am giving the classes about preparation for National Exam to Senior 1 to 3 in this term. The time of the biology test is 3 hours and it has 100 marks. I think it is very difficult to keep concentrations such a long time. Probably students will be exhausted after finishing the exam. My students will take five exams. They are Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Entrepreneurship and General Studies. It is completely different from Japanese entrance exams.


I found very interesting questions to see the past questions for decades. I will post some examples of them which I found.





Using your knowledge of biology, suggest five different methods you can use to control Malaria in your village.


Discuss why it is important to maintain biodiversity?




 Discuss the mechanism by which new species may originate and a species may become extinct.




Question is 5 marks,  is 7 and  is 10. Of course, there are basic questions such as answering the name of cell organelles. These questions are 1 mark.



I think it is much interesting that can find the answers of the unsolved social questions like Question by using their biological knowledges. Checking the answers will be difficult because of many answers we can have. It is also very interesting to learn about the question of entrance exams except Japan.



QOTD(Quote of the Day)





"Knowledge itself is power"

 Francis Bacon

 Meditationes Sacrae (1597)



Thousand hills(I took it today)