anime epo以来特にですが、



今回はanime expoでお世話になったみなさんへの

To all fan and staff,

It's almost been three weeks since we performed at
Anime Expo and how are
you guys doing?
Well, we just can't calm ourselves down from the
excitement we had few weeks
We're not exhausted, but instead, we're motivated
and started on working on
our next project.

Before we flew to US, we were unsure how everyone at
Anime Expo would react
to us, or if our music will ever touch people's
Everything was new to us. we had mixed feelings of
both being excited and
anxious at the same time.

You don't know how much we were touched when we
heard you guys cheering out
loud as the show started.
Without all the beautiful audiences like you guys,
we couldn't have put on a
wonderful show.
We had so much fun meeting each and everyone of you
at the autograph
sessions and we really had a great time at the panel
We are so grateful to music which brought us
together across the boundaries.

As many of you have asked us to come back for more
gigs, we definitely hope
to do so whenever we have an opportunity.
Last but not least, we also want to thank our staff
who have supported us.

What a terrific experience this had been for us.
We'll never forget the moments we had with you at
Anime Expo.

Thank you from bottom of our hearts.

Take care.

from Manami and Yoshiaki Dewa.