Dear Dr. Tanabe and Dr. Longcope,


Hope you find this email well. 


I have finished all of my course exams in the fall semester a couple days ago. I am ever grateful that I was able to survive the rigorous academic semester in my first year at Penn. The three courses that I took this semester were all eye-opening and certainly transformed my view toward education in a myriad ways. 


During the winter break, I am planning to visit Eugene from December 19th to 25th to see my old friends from the University of Oregon, where I studied as an exchange student for about ten months from 2008 to 2009. I am so excited to go back to Oregon for a first time in 14 years. Hopefully, I can enjoy the laid-back atmosphere in the West Coast while driving through the Oregon coast.


The spring semester will begin in the second week of January. I have registered four  credits: Language Assessment and Technologies for Language Learning by Dr. Butler, Sociolinguistics by Dr. Moore, and Second Language Development by Dr. Matsumoto. I will continue to work hard to represent Senshu and Japanese educators in this community. 


The president of University of Pennsylvania, Liz Magill, submitted her tender resignation after a series of gaffes during the States House Committee on Education on December 5th. I have witnessed some sporadic both pro-Palestine and pro-Jewish demonstrations after the footages of the Israel-Hamas War were reported on TV. The tensions between the two opposing groups kept simmering on campus, which added another growing pressure on her resignation. Now the University set up a task force to eliminate any form of discriminatory acts on campus, including antisemitism and Islamophobia. Everyone is not happy about this measure; some students and faculty are now concerned that their freedom of speech will be oppressed by the university government. It seems that the University is deeply troubled drawing a line between the right to freedom expression and the violation of their code of conduct. I will carefully follow the news regarding this matter and see how the University approaches this complicated issue.


CNN 10: Ivy League presidents face backlash after hearing on antisemitism on campus


Wish you a warm holiday season.

Let me conclude with some photos.


Pic 1: Christmas market at City Hall


Pic 2: illuminated university’s Main Street




Warmest regards, Camel