




研究発表① 「アジア太平洋戦争下の雑誌『語学教育』について」



【概要】1942(昭和17)年2月,英語教授研究所は創設以来刊行していたThe Bulletinの誌名を変え『語学教育』第180号として発行した。翌月には,研究所自身の名称も語学教育研究所に変更している。『語学教育』は1973(昭和48)年1月まで発行が続けられたが,The Bulletinが名著普及会により1985 年に復刻されたのと比べると,その全容が明らかになっているとは言い難い。本発表では,アジア太平洋戦争下に刊行された18冊,すなわち1942(昭和17)年2月発行の第180号から1945(昭和20)年1月発行の第197号に焦点を当て,その内容上の特徴を考察してみたい。


研究発表②Benjamin Franklin’s alphabet reform proposal and its influence on Noah Webster's American English dictionary and textbooks

Judy Yoneoka (Professor, Kumamoto Gakuen University) 


【概要】Noah Webster is generally credited for creating the concept of “American English” through his dictionaries and blue-backed spellers, which have come to enjoy immense popularity both in the United Statesand abroad. His works were widely used in Japan as well. However, Webster was highly influenced by the spelling and alphabet reforms proposed by printer, inventorand politician Benjamin Franklin. The goals of this presentation are twofold: 1) it attemptsto gauge the influence of Benjamin Franklin’s alphabet reform on Webster’s work by reviewing Franklin’s original proposal and tracing the transfer of his work to Webster though analysis of their written correspondence, consisting of 8 letters between 1786-1789;2) it reviews Webster’s experiments with revised spelling in works published around the time of Franklin’s death, when he was most directly influenced by Franklin’s alphabet reform, and follows the changes in Franklin's influence over several editions of Webster’s dictionary, even after the latter's death in 1843.



