Nothing much had changed. We were back to almost where we had been two weeks previously. And two years before that. We were just a bit closer to a no-deal. Through inertia, as much by design. (Skip the rest)
今回取り上げる語は、inertia /ɪˈnəːʃə/ です。文脈から「こう着状態」と推測しました。以下で意味等を確認していきます。
まず意味をCambridge Dictionaryでみると、“lack of activity or interest, or unwillingness to make an effort to do anything”とあり、LDOCEには“when no one wants to do anything to change a situation”と定義されていました。今回は後者の意味が妥当しそうです。
次に語源をOEDでみると、“Early 18th century: from Latin, from iners, inert- (see inert).”とあります。