墓から生き返った猫 | 幸光ママJUNが伝えたい事




Zombie cat who 'died' and rose from his grave five days later successfully undergoes surgery and is set to make a full recovery

  • successfully undergone surgery to have his eye removed and jaw repaired
  • He was found mangled and apparently dead after being run down by a car
  • Was buried - but returned home five days later, still very much alive 
• 正常に手術を受け、彼の目を除去し、顎が修復します
• 彼は車に轢かれた後、マングルされたと明らかな死体で発見されました
• 埋葬された - しかし、5日後に生還し、まだ非常に生きている
• グラフィックコンテンツを警告

zombie cat' who was run over by a car only to inexplicably return from the dead five days later has successfully undergone surgery on his injuries.

Bart, a black and white cat from Tampa, Florida, had an eye removed and jaw repaired by the Tampa Bay Veterinary Emergency Service on Tuesday.

He is expected to complete an amazing recovery and should be able to return home to his owner in the coming weeks.

不可解ですが 車に轢かれたゾンビの猫は5日後に生還し正常に怪我の手術を受けた。


Because Bart can't eat enough to sustain himself, he will remain on a feeding tube for a few more weeks. He is expected to make a full recovery
Because Bart can't eat enough to sustain himself, he will remain on a feeding tube for a few more weeks. He is expected to make a full recovery
  • しかし、バートは自力では十分に食べることができないので、彼は後2〜3週間栄養を管からとります。
Bart, a black and white cat from Tampa, Florida, had surgery to repair injuries at the Tampa Bay Veterinary Emergency Service in January
Bart, a black and white cat from Tampa, Florida, had surgery to repair injuries at the Tampa Bay Veterinary Emergency Service in January

Bart shocked owner Ellis Hutson when he showed up back at home five days after an apparently fatal accident.

Unable to afford to fees for Bart’s operation, Hutson had then reached out to the Humane Society of Tampa Bay. 

  • バート、タンパ、フロリダ州から黒白猫は、1月にタンパベイ獣医緊急サービスで傷害を修復する手術を受けました
  • 彼が、明らかに致命的な事故の5日後に自宅に戻り現れたときバートは、所有者エリスハトソンに衝撃を与えました。

  • バートの治療費用支払いが厳しく、ハトソンはその後、タンパベイの動物愛護協会に連絡しました。
  • Through the Save-A-Pet Medical Fund they were able help cover costs of surgery on brave Bart who had been through quite an ordeal.

    Hutson had found his pet in a pool of blood in the street, not moving, after a collision earlier this month.

    • 保存-A-ペットの医療基金を通して、彼らは、相当な試練を通していた勇敢なバートの手術の有能な援助カバー費用でした。

      ハトスンは、今月始め、衝突の後 通りで 動かない彼のペットを血の海を見つけました。
    Huston was unable to afford fees for Bart's operation, so he reached out to the Humane Society, who now plan on not returning the cat 
    Huston was unable to afford fees for Bart's operation, so he reached out to the Humane Society, who now plan on not returning the cat 
    1. ハトスンはバートの治療費を都合することができなかったので、彼は愛護協会に接触しました。そして、現在、猫を返さないつもりです
    Bart, pictured above waiting for surgery, was discovered in a pool of blood in the street after being hit by a car in January
    Bart, pictured above waiting for surgery, was discovered in a pool of blood in the street after being hit by a car in January
    Through the Save-A-Pet Medical Fund they were able to help cover costs of surgery on brave Bart who had been through quite an ordeal 
    Through the Save-A-Pet Medical Fund they were able to help cover costs of surgery on brave Bart who had been through quite an ordeal 
    1. 保存-A-ペット医療基金を通して、相当難しい治療を受ける勇敢なバートの手術の費用をカバーすることが、彼らはできました
    The cat boasted gruesome injuries after his return, and has had surgery to remove his eye and repair his jaw
    The cat boasted gruesome injuries after his return, and has had surgery to remove his eye and repair his jaw
    • 猫は生還の後 恐ろしい怪我を誇って、彼の目を取り出して、彼のあごを修復するために、手術を受けました
    Bart was buried in this shallow hole not far from his home. He managed to dig himself out and return to his home
    Bart was buried in this shallow hole not far from his home. He managed to dig himself out and return to his home
    • バートは、彼の家から離れていないこの浅い穴に葬られました。

    But despite having him buried in a shallow dirt grave, Hutson saw him again just five days later - albeit with gruesome wounds and a ruined eye, which has now been removed.

    Vets were baffled by Bart's mysterious survival - but Hutson believes his revival may be the doing of his brother and playmate.

    Speaking to local news station Fox13 about the strange happening, he suggested that Bart's friend may have gone looking for him and clawed him out of his resting place.

    He said: 'We have two cats and they play together all the time and they roam around with each other.

    'He might have went looking for his brother and dug him up - but I have no idea'.

    Experts believe Bart rose from the grave not long after being buried there - but was scared so stayed away from home for several days
    Experts believe Bart rose from the grave not long after being buried there - but was scared so stayed away from home for several days
    Patching up: Bart's surgery was covered by the Humane Society of Tampa Bay
    Patching up: Bart's surgery was covered by the Humane Society of Tampa Bay
    Post-op: The cat was treated for its broken jaw and is expected to recover and live out its normal lifespan
    Post-op: The cat was treated for its broken jaw and is expected to recover and live out its normal lifespan
    Presumed dead: Owner Ellis Hutson did not expected to see Bart alive again
    Presumed dead: Owner Ellis Hutson did not expected to see Bart alive again

    The mystery deepened when Hutson revealed that he was so upset by his pet's apparent demise that he did not bury Bart himself - but asked his friend David Liss to do the deed.

    Liss said he had no idea how Bart could have been alive. He told Fox13: 'I looked at it, and I looked at it, and I didn't see the chest moving up and down or anything and I said, "you know, well look at the blood, it's dead."'

    Experts believe Bart rose from the grave not long after being buried there - but was scared so stayed away from home for several days. 

にほんブログ村 その他ペットブログ 動物愛護(アニマルライツ)へ  いつでも里親募集中

