For our wedding anniversary, my husband surprised me with a dinner at Iguchiシャンパンロゼワイン

It’s a very secret place! It’s about a 5-10 minute walk from Nakameguro station. 

Walking there, I kept asking what kind of place is it? Where are we going? What kind of food is it? My husband only said, “it’s a secret! ニヤリ” 

There was no sign out front. We only had the address to go by. If you’d like to visit, finding it is half the fun, so I’ll only give you a hint! 

Hint: it’s before the bridge, and if you find parking, go up the stairs!

We passed by it a few times before figuring it out.

Once you find this, you’ve found it!

Then you go through a secret door...

Once you’re guided past a curtain, you’ll be greeted with a very friendly, Earthly atmosphere!

I was surprised that they didn’t have any playlist. Enjoy the sounds of the chicken frying, guests laughing, and drinks clinking! 音譜

After hearing my husband and I talking, Mr. Iguchi gave me an English menu!ダウンダウン

Mr. Iguchi can speak English well and is very friendly!

As you can see, it’s kind of like a yakitori restaurant, but it’s quite different from other yakitoei restaurants that I’ve been to. 

The food comes out one tiny piece at a time 得意げ

One very delicious tiny piece at a time 得意げ

And at first, I felt really impatient because everything was so delicious もぐもぐ

But everything is so good!!

And eventually I started to feel satisfied...

Until the noodle or rice part of the meal...

I ordered the chef’s recommended Carbonara. Although it wasn’t chicken, it was so delicious!! I was thoroughly satisfied!! 照れ

It was a very fun and delicious wedding anniversary dinner from the station to the end of the meal. 

All of the staff were so kind and the ambience was so unique. I really recommend Iguchi クラッカー