Dear ZD,

I've no idea whether you would read this letter dedicated to you or not. It's not that hard to find- i've got a link to this blog through my main blog on, and you already know about my main blog, so it's no closed secret.

We knew each other ever since Year 3 of Poly, although during that time, we weren't all that close due to my attitude that time and the fact that we were in different project groups. In retrospect, had i known that time that we were of the same kind, i would have taken the initiative to get to know you better, and develop our relationship from then on. Who knows, we might even be together by now. That's one regret that i had.

The night at Play on Friday was very nice- even though i wasn't all that keen on clubbing at that club, seeing you enjoy yourself tremendously on the dance floor put a smile to my otherwise frowning face. And thanks to all the cajolling, all the actions that you made to make me become more comfortable and stuff there. I wasn't all that comfortable there, but still, seeing you enjoy yourself there made me happy, and made the night so much more worthwhile.

Saturday night, we shared the famous amos cookies at fort canning park, with me lying down on your lap on the park bench. Simple pleasures in life, but somehow, it was more fun, more romantic than going to an expensive restaurant and having dinner there. I wanted to let you know that sometimes, it's not the matter of going to Rochester Park and having a fancy Italian dinner there to be romantic; simple things like sharing cookies, walking in a park can be even more romantic and heartwarming too.

You said that we were progressing too quickly in our relationship, and that we should remain as friends first. Truth was, i was pretty hurt when you said that initially. Although i knew that you weren't playing or toying with my feelings, but still, i wondered how come you didn't want our relationship to progress to a stage that was more than just normal platonic friends. I thought you had someone else in your mind, I thought that you didn't want me due to the fact that i was still stuck in the past with JJ. But i wanted to tell you that no, i've already moved on, there's no more JJ in my heart already, i wanted to meet him just because i want to end everything and tie all the loose ends up already. And move on with our lives respectively away from each other.

I'm sorry that i got you into so much trouble over in your camp. But please, don't think that i'm a jinx or anything in your life. You kept on harping on the fact that you're not that good that i think you are, but i'm not that good either, believe me. We all have our strengths and weaknesses; we should use our strengths to overcome our respective weaknesses. I've full confidence that if we both put in our efffort into developing our relationship, we can withstand the thing called National Service.

So i've said my part already. Whether you read this open letter to you or not, I'll alwaes be waiting for you. Waiting for you to say that, 'yes, let's go stead together'. I'll be waiting.

Yours always