eki collection talk show x hamada masaru | 湊ジュリアナ オフィシャルブログ「Lovely Days」Powered by Ameba

eki collection talk show x hamada masaru

Hello everyone I was in kyoto for a talk show with my favorite make up artist Hamada masaru!
I was so happy to see my posters and flyer everyone!


Inside of the flyer

casual adult fashion style

We did the talk&make up shot twice.
As you see in the photo, the place was packed.
Everyone brought their own notes to write Hamada san's tips!


I went to the stage with no mascara on. Only with the base. I didn't feel embarrassed at all because he knows how to make you look beautiful with the base.

Starting the make up show





Done with the make up!
It was fast and simple
how do i look?! Different and elegant right!?!





I love his make up because its simple and easy. And he always have something new to teach us! He also have his own brand where he tests everything and make it his own way. He is definitely perfectionist and cares about every details and thats why everyone loves his cosmetic products. He also answer every fan's questions ( which is no few) and he also released his new book! He is such a creative hard worker ! I love him!
Thank you everyone who came to the event! And thank you for the letters and gifts! I received them all! I also heard that lot of people went to buy the same outfit I wore from Loungedress . That is so nice to hear!
Sorry i couldnt stay for that long and take photo with each of you guys because our bullet train ticket was already reserved! But I am looking forward to see you guys again! Thank you so much!


Juliana Minato キスマーク

Instagram: julianaminato