Brazil x Chile - in paris | 湊ジュリアナ オフィシャルブログ「Lovely Days」Powered by Ameba

Brazil x Chile - in paris

BRAZIL x CHILEの試合を見る為に、フライトの時間を変更しました!



I made a mistake on my flight time to go back to Paris and I had to pay an extra fee to change it so I get to watch Brazil against Chile.
It was a little bit pricy but I knew that If I dont watch it, I would regret it so I didn't think twice before paying the price. And when i thought, I am going to be able to watch the game and I had a smile on my face, I knew I did the right thing. lol
Arriving in Paris, I took the taxi to go to the hotel.
Dropped my stuff and ran in the rain to look for a good bar to watch the game.
The first bar I ran into was ok but the menu was all in french, and the service was bad. The guy was very rude and the tv screen was small too. So I left and went to a different bar that had this perfect huge tv screen, so I went in. But the problem was that I was alone. So they only had this seat at the back...and I didnt bring my glasses so i knew I would have a hard time to watch the game.
unsatisfied I looked around to see if i could find a better seat.
And I found this only one opened spot on the front.
So I approached to the group of people asking if that seat was available and if so, I could join then to watch the game.
Luckily was open so i sat there! They all were cheering to Chile. I was the only Brazilian at the bar lol
The funny thing was that I was sitting next to a hollywood movie star. I realized after I sat.
He came to talk to me but I was too busy watching the game that I couldnt give him that much attention.
If he was gonna talk about the game, it would be fine. But he was annoyingly talking about himself most of the time. It is really a bad timing to try to talk to me about anything else except soccer.
I had to tell him, hey I came here to watch the game because I love soccer and I am really trying to concentrate to watch it. (specially because the game was really tight! )
He was furious..but oh well, I just cant help it! soccer comes first in that case lol



ブラジル人みたいなポルトガル語でびっくり。スラングまで使ってた!笑 本当に面白い方でした。

Chile was really good, we went to the penalty kicks.
I was very nervous.Very serious.
I thought my heart was gonna come out from my mouth. lol
we scored 3 on the pk but i wasnt really sure if we were gonna win or not!
I hate that feeling.
I know I smiled.
I screamed.
I cried.
I prayed.
My emotions were going up and down.
After we scored the last one, I screamed super loud!!!
I couldnt help it!
I thanked my chile buddies who I watched the game with, payed the lamb I ate and ran back to the hotel all wet by the rain. I even skipped smily , all happy. I did not care that I was getting wet.
Some guy who was walking in front of me was basically doing the same thing as me .
I passed by him and he had brazil glasses on. so I asked him in portuguese, are you brazilian? he answered no. but i speak portuguese in portuguese.
So we decided to grab a drink to celebrate our victory.
he is a big fan of soccer the same way I am so we end up staying at the bar for hours talking and drinking. he spoke perfect portuguese.Even knew some brazilian slangs and musics.
He lived in brazil for two years. He also love traveling like i do.
It is funny how he knows more about different places about brazil then I do.So i was the one asking about brazil to him lol
After that we went out to a club. We made some new friends there too.
One of them were half japanese, half peruvian. She spoke perfect japanese and I thought that is so incredible for some reason.
I loved the hip hop songs they played at the club! It was reaaaally good! I loved it!
What a great day!!! Brazil won! I met some cool new people, I got to go out in Paris ! What more can I ask?!
I am soo glad I changed my flight ! lol




Juliana Minato キスマーク

Instagram: julianaminato
twitter: juliana_minato