World Cup final 2014 - F organics treatment | 湊ジュリアナ オフィシャルブログ「Lovely Days」Powered by Ameba

World Cup final 2014 - F organics treatment

Germay x Argentinaですよ!
Good morning everyone! I watched the final for world cup in the house with chuey.
Germany and Argentina!






I was nervous the entire game.
For those who thinks I was cheering for Argentina, you are wrong.
I know they are latinos too and Germany scored 7on us, I never liked argentina.
I must admit that they played good this time.
They controlled the ball more than germany which was more in defense but didn't let the argentine speed and attacks influence the whole team mentally. They were very steel.
They were very focused, mentally strong and really played as a team. Each of the players doing their function without individuality.
Argentina did everything brazil didnt.
More passes, more speed, mentally steel, and used the sides pretty well and specially the middle section wasnt empty like brazil.
The ball was really rolling.
And also, they were focused on the game which is good. That is why we got to watch such a beautiful game.
Argentina used to be more physically aggressive and THE trouble maker. So that is the reason why i never liked them before.
And this time they didnt even play with strong teams and also played near by, so physically they weren't tired like USA team that basically traveled the entire brazil.
On the top of that, after brazil lost, the argentina players made a video in the locker room about brazil loss..
I think it is ok to have rivals. Because they exist we can play a game.. but as a player, i think no matter what, you should always respect another player.
That is my opinion.
Germany actually did study brazil culture, they traveled brazil and enjoyed the places they stopped by, accepting the love of brazilian people. (Very different from teams like Spain and Italy).
They even wore the uniform of one of our small teams in bahia.
And their red and black tshirt was inspired by our team called Flamengo. The biggest fan based team in brazil.
I believe they thought us so much!
That team work is more important than individuality
,we cant let out emotions control you
the ego wont take you anywhere. Surprisingly I believe that Germans are more humble than Brazilian people.
They have a incredible discipline.
They also donated bunch of money to our native indian brazilians.
Brazil is living a financial and mental crises specially having corrupt people in charge. The whole country was upset to have the world cup.
But at the same time, it was our only joy. So I believe our player had lot of pressure feeling responsible to please the country. But that is not the only reasons we lost. Germany scored 7 against us but they left a lesson of humanity which I really appreciate.
Even when they were receiving the trophy from our president Dilma, they didn't show any respect toward her because they knew how the entire country feels like about her. So my respect goes to Germany for sure!
World cup was definitely the best thing it happened to me this year!
I was waiting for this for too long. I am sad that it is over
but thank you Germany and Argentina for a great final.
I am very excited to see each teams development until the next world cup!
One team that I believe that might get to the finals is USA. They are smart, good with strategy and they are mentally strong as physically strong either. They dont have much tecnique but I heard that they might have KaKA and ronaldinho playing for them. If that happen, they will gain lot of experience playing with our player.
Still wonder why our couch didnt select the best of the best we had.


So sad that the World Cup is over but I'm so glad that I got to watch almost every game! I had a blast! As you guys see I'm a soccer lover. Sorry for posting too much about it on my social media. Thank you for cheering with me and being part of this! Love always!!!

試合の後、少し寝て、代官山にあるF organicsのサロンに行ってボディートリートメントをする事に!♡その前にCosme kitchenで大好きなヘルシードリンクを飲んで行ったよ!^0^
F organicsは少し隠れた場所にあるんだけど、それがまたいいなと思いました。静かで真っ白で、綺麗なピーチハウスに来た気分でした。プライベート空間な感じでステキ!

F organicsのフェイシャルパックとボディソープは前から使ってて好き!
After the game, I took a quick nap and went to F organics salon in omotesando for a special treat for myself. I deserve it♡
But before I go to the salon, I stopped by cosme kitchen store to buy the healthy yummy drink they have.
I went to F organics for the first time. It is a little bit away from the station, in a very quiet private place I love it!!
It made me feel like i am in a very pretty beach house. Very relaxing and quiet. It made me forget that I am in tokyo.
I had a full body oil massage. I love strong massages i really loooooved it! I definitely fell asleep there!
I actually use F organics facial mask and body soap. It is organic so its good for sensitive skin.
They have this new sun block spray and pearl cream that i wanted to try it out so i bought it. It is also organic ^^


After the treatment I went to the gym to work out lightly and stretched a lot outside.

Juliana Minato キスマーク

Instagram: julianaminato