My GOSSIP with JESUS A faith journal prompts for no worries, prayers, gratitude vision This gift for her and prayer notebook focuses on engaging CHRIST JESUS on a day to day fellowship It is a lifestyle modification faith journal for women highlighting:what does no worries meanwhat is a prayer journalhaving a faith of our owndaily gratitudevision boardThis prayer journal, with a very simple daily outline and monthly recap, comes in hardcover, for durability and beauty Engaging this journal prompts will build you up spiritually in the following easy to do ways:GODS WORD FOR ME TODAY Everyday, JESUS CHRIST wants to speak to you As you wait on GOD daily in your worship, prayers, and Bible study there is a Word for you, listen in your heart and document it When you practice this, you will hear JESUS CHRIST telling you more and more on issues of your life MY GRATITUDE LIST Everyday, GOD is doing something NEW for you, He daily loads us with benefits (Psalms 68:19) Our Lord JESUS CHRIST says, For whoever has, to him more will be given but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him (Mark 4:25) Many a times, it is not that we do not have, it is that we fail to acknowledge them Therefore, as you think, acknowledge, and document your Blessings, more are added to you dailyMY WORRY LIST We are enjoined in 1 Peter 5:7 to cast all of our cares, worries, and anxieties unto JESUS CHRIST, for He cares for us As you journal your worries, mentally picture them being rolled over to JESUS, and leave them there This exercise reduces life burdens and promotes Peace As you practice these three exercises daily, you are Gossiping with JESUS A positive and faithbased mindset is formed, and at the end of each month, you can reassess and see progress made We believe this prayers book and no worries workbook will be a suitable gift for her your teenage girl, girlfriend, lady boss, ministers, mother, grandmother, and yourselfClick on the BUY NOW button to get your copies Shalom