"Audiobook The Win-Win Outcome: The Dealmaker's Guide To Buying And Selling Dental Practices

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The profession of dentistry has changed enormously. From the heyday of single practitioners working four days a week, corporate dentistry now provides consumers with more convenient hours, better locations, and care that's covered by insurance. Today, the easiest hygiene appointments to sell in metro areas are between 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Consumer demand has changed, and private practitioners who don't evolve to meet this new demand will see their profits continue to erode. The solo model no longer works if dentists want to compete with corporate shops. In The Win-Win Outcome: The Deal Maker's Guide to Buying and Selling Dental Practices. Mark Murphy and Bernie Stoltz explain that the future of dentistry is to practice in groups. With a combined half century of experience, the authors believe that where the profession is heading offers enormous opportunity for dentists-to run better practices, lead better lives, and create lasting wealth. The Win-Win Outcome shows you how. Private 