


This is a postcard catalogue by my friend Seihachi Nakashima.

Take a good look at them first!

Isn't it wonderful?

These are all pictures of dolls he made.

They are not painted pictures or photos of people.






A wonderful story of a small connection that grew into a long and thin one.: part 1.



An old friend of my composer, his friend Patrice from Paris. He works in a shop in Paris called 'Hors-circuits'. He has asked me to stock postcards of my friend's artists in his shop as a product for his shop.

This artist friend of mine is a great Japanese doll maker and painter called Seihachi Nakashima. He readily agreed and already Patrice's first order arrived safely in Paris, a few days ago.




Patrice's shop has always sold shabby Alice in Wonderland, occult-style cards, and as soon as I saw them I kept thinking for the past four years, "You should have cards of Nakajima's work...".




でもすごく小さなきっかけが、4年の歳月を経てこうなりました!私はとてもとても嬉しいです! これってすごくないですか??

I didn't particularly talk about this to either of them, I didn't even think it was a dream that I wanted to realise.

But a very small beginning turned into this after four years! I am very, very happy! Isn't this amazing?





This time, I really felt that great works of art with soul by artists naturally find their way to the right place.

I want to be that kind of artist.




I am very, very happy! First of all, I would like to introduce you to the catalogue of postcards by Seihachi Nakajshima, which Patrice wanted! Of course, Patrice raved about Alice!




Now, these beautiful postcards cost 300 yen each and anyone can probably buy them, as long as he has them in stock.

He doesn't usually sell them like this, but he made this catalogue for Patrice, but I think it's okay.

I'll put up a list of social networking sites and websites where you can get in touch with him. If you would like to purchase or enquire about participating in a doll class, please contact Artist Nakashima directly.



中嶋清八Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/seihachi.nakashima 

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/seihachi_nakashima/?hl=ja


X  https://twitter.com/SeihachiN

blog https://seihachi.seesaa.net/

人形教室のwebpage https://seihachidollclass.jimdofree.com/



さて、パトリスのお店は 「hors.circuits」といい、クリックすると、「日本人アーティスト中嶋清八のポストカードが届いた!」って載せてくれてる!どこに飾られるのかなぁ~



