The young generations all through the world, especially, those economically developed countries, have now started to learn the different directions of human life more philosophically.  History teaches them and the clever students have started to learn  many facts from nature. The teachers are those wild creatures, and plantations. which have started to exist on this earth much earlier than human beings. They never created money.  They have, on the contrary, invented whatever the best fit methods of survival by themselves. Many scientists or architects have now started to use in their works many functions of those creatures or plants conceive within themselves. Scientists have learned that they will be able to invent the method of creating limitless energy through photosynthesis without much expense.  


Human beings, through the process of evolutions, once invented currency to solve the problems of need and supply function for their life.  What if a time appears on this earth each one can live as one wishes without having troubles to earn money for their living?  You can live wherever you like.  You can dine whatever gorgeous restaurant free as you like. The global situation now comes available of any kind of life pattern as one wishes to have. Such human life would become possible if each one can learn the balance faction of their physical requirements what they are. And if, through their learning, they learn the necessity of their own physical needs balance, in the human world, they may not need any more savings for their future.  There will not be any meaning of over-supply or over savings.