Thus, I am able to feel this Willie XXIII now is leading his life with such a philosophical mind.  In his daily routine life living such universality is to exist.  I now remember the days and years I spent with the similar feeling of universality.  I remember I was called  “The cosmopolitan writer” and  I used to have such  “universality”   mind in my writing and that was the reason why I was able have my readers world-wide, the fans who felt much concerting pleasure of reading. The word, universality is to be understood to the Japanese readers with some explanations. The Japanese society based on the traditional system that is the centralized power to govern the nation, the people live there are basically tamed to lead their lives under certain top down facilitated regulations. The democracy appeared after the War has not yet perfectly penetrated into the daily lives of the people.

As a matter of course, the national administration, under the guidance of the U.S. army control of After-The War restoration for democratic system, it still has not yet been fully penetrated into the people’s life living philosophy. This phenomenon naturally implies to the eyes of the foreign visitors like me who watches  what the people take actions in their daily routine lives that  might have been quite unconsciously splashed out as their customs on their sudden moments of happenings. One representative phenomenon is that they, the Japanese people, are usually very much shy themselves unable to express ones own feelings or sentiments frankly before others, especially, when the contents are the acts that find fault with others. If the object is someone in rank superior to them, they usually hide themselves with benign neglect. If they want to be frank and act with a straight mind, they know themselves, that, they must be ready to accept their own fates of backlashes.  


In America, Ralf Nader showed his courage to have started a sensational deploring of social evils to the consumers by writing many disclosure stories on those deceptive factors among the business fields, and even on the politically incongruous matters already penetrated into the nation-wide society as the evil phenomenon. Those social evils seem to have originated by the mass consumption life style through the industrial developments that has now reaching their heights.  


He gave much influence to the Japanese society, and Chieko Akiyama started the similar activities to give proper opinion leading to the public through her writings and activities with her sympathetic followers. On this, Willie XXIII seems to have taken the similar concept and he has many such interesting stories to be written and deplored to the young readers of the 21st Century. He seems to be in the obsessive sentiments in his routine life about the facts that the Japanese people, everyone of them, unexceptionally has been driven to the alley.  The blind alley into which they have now been driven and drifted at the shore of confusion unnoticed by every one of them.  After the-war, having experienced the speedily developed economic syndromes they went astray at the height of mass consumption at the latter part of the 20th Century.