So much so, the theme what Mr. Kaiho talked, “The Human Element” if the translator put the words, the title of the novel, into Japanese as 「人間の要素」I think it too much sticking to the element of translation.  I wanted to mean this title as the human being very fragile in its spiritual life proceeding at every moment inexplicable even to himself. And the word fragile, I meant that human sentiment is usually hard to stay stable that in Japanese, one may explain as ‘得体のしれない’ or, ‘掴みどころのなさ which someone made his commentary of similar concept.  I heard it as a voice very close to me,  Actually it was the seat next to me. And I could realize he was Mr. Kikuchi at my right seat. At the left, there sat Mr. Yoshimura. I was sitting between them, so his voice clearly caught my ears. And, I said, “You can say it again!” but it did not produce really phonetic sound, and he might have not heard it.  There was not any opinion of opposition there.  I thought it rather owing to the difference of races.  People of this country, Japan and us European, are basically different in its life living philosophy.  The basic difference is in its origin that the former is agricultural race while the latter is hunting race. Another angle of view presents the idea ‘one unit and a group’. The life one leads independently is quite different from a group does. One, single existence can lead life as he freely intends while the group will have to have the commuting consensus to take an action. Here the single one tends to drop into a pitfall of an idea that he is independent, but on that point, he never realizes the existence of many others around him, without words, supporting him behind the screen. The more he feels himself to be independent, the more his sentiment comes vigorous and freely writes or speaks. And what he talks or writes would face the severest criticism if critics of decent level exist there with good timing occasion. Or, it could be after many decades or centuries the readers or listeners would realize, not through words or writings of those critics but by themselves.  And those who realize it would become acquainted with the fact that the one so vigorous and arrogant to have said or written were on the pretext that those so many unseen surroundings had then been in existence without being noticed by the writer or talker himself. In my case, I had been able to write freely and without much prejudice because I thought myself was quite independent, free from any criticism, any threatening, any evil gossips or rumors. I felt much independent while I was young, that is because I could earn enough money through a little success in writing and was able to make debut as a writer, dramatist, or sometimes, critics to some literary works by calling of those clients. I did them all without hesitation because I felt nothing to prevent them. Those who tried to let me down through criticism or slandering, of course, I was able to retaliate by my counterattacks not by dueling but through the pen works. In order to wipe those unfavorable gossips, I started to write novels full of ironical contents with the characters the readers could easily recognize who the models was or were.  Of course, I myself do not dare to  name it, but, in his writings my nephew, Robin Maugham, said a famous writer’s name who had lost himself and fallen down on the floor at a party where he was forced to hear a scandalous story I wrote and the main character in it was his model. That might have been my guts that I then felt ‘The Eye to Eye’ break of myself.  Yes, in those days, the rivalry between and among writers or its society, was so strong, perhaps, and that could be the traits of Anglo-Saxon blood.  My novels, and dramas, in those days, sold well, and I became a little lucrative life living person compared with other rank and file literary people.  I was able to secure my own mansion in Riviera and there my life for writing went enriched and was able to spend much concentrated days. People, perhaps, for some jealousy, talked about my homo-sexuality with Gerald Haxton, that I knew myself, and I thought then and even now that people used to have mouth to talk freely without any obstacles. You cannot shut the mouth of others that, you usually say in Japanese proverb, 「人の口に戸はたてられない」, I did not have to say any excuse nor denying. If my body wanted sexual desire, of course, I could choose a female sex, not male.  Haxton was very able man.  He was a good typist, a skilful cook, and has nice character to be liked by other strangers and become friendly soon through his skilful power of conversation, which was of American traits. He was quick enough to make up my manuscript to the printing book shape formalities and a good salesmanship to contact with publishers and make arrangements for the publication of my writings.  Of course, he liked gambling, and also, some decadent way of living that made him difficult to live in England and the start of the Villa Mauresque as our working resident became a heaven both to me and to him.. To those who were talked about as home sexual, cual, the actual bodily contact does not have much meaning .  They are just enjoying the life with convenience of other important life routine  elements such as to live like human being especially on eating and and spending days with healthy sentiments not to be disturbed by the opposite sex that would often create troubles and nuisance, and the human nature requires daily MHE, i.e. mental health environments for their life time living.  Not many man of wisdom talk about this, and the writer of  this Wm. Somerset Maugham XXIII, I deare say has said here first.

Haxton was usually busy typing out my manuscripts and carry them to the publishers, and then had to make my meals.  Sometimes played cards with me for time killing but usually was so busy.  He was a very important worker as my secretary .