Sunday by the bay | fade Jon(Jon Underdown)オフィシャルブログ Powered by Ameba

fade Jon(Jon Underdown)オフィシャルブログ Powered by Ameba

fade Jon(Jon Underdown)オフィシャルブログ Powered by Ameba

What up guys?!

I have to say that being able to go check out more outdoor shows lately has been AWESOME!
Especially after having a killer show down in Osaka on Thursday!
Thanks and praise to MUSIC for the all the great times of late!!

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今日はお台場の方の旅祭 WORLD JOURNEY FESTA 2012 に遊びに行ってきた。
Today I rolled out to the KOKUSAI WORLD JOURNEY FESTA 2012 near Odaiba.
And it was an afternoon and evening filled with beautiful weather and AWESOME energy!
I hit me like a ton of bricks again today about how fun and seriously important it is to go to a lot of events and shows, see the bands play that are really going for it in Japan right now, and feel the energy of the crowds grooving there.
I think it should be a high priority this summer for anybody out there who is into music - or just looking for a random new experience - to CHECK OUT TONS OF LIVE MUSIC THIS SUMMER!!

ex Ellegardenのギターボーカルの細美さんのソロアコスティクのライブも
ex Ellegarden's guitar/vocalist - Hosomi Takeshi's show was perfect in the afternoon

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Deftech's island vibe in the early evening

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10-FEET ROCKING IT OUT as the sun was starting to set

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And the sudden Samba Carnival at the end of the evening

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It all just gets me even more pumped up for 天~TEN's RELEASE TOUR starting on 6/29!

-2012/6/29 (FRI) Sendai HOOK
2012/7/6 (FRI) Hiroshima CAVE-BE

-2012/7/8 (SUN) OSAKA: Shinsaibashi DROP
2012/7/11 (WED) Nagoya ell.SIZE
2012/7/14 (SAT) TOKYO: Shinjuku BLAZE (ツアーファイナル/TOUR FINAL!!!)

I also can't believe that the RELEASE DAY for 天~TEN is so close.
After midnight tonight, there are only 2 DAYS LEFT!
I really love this album, and I hope that tons of people will hear it,
and come make a connection at a show this summer!

Talk to you guys again soon!
Rip Monday a new one!! lol


PS 今日のDeadman Wonderland / One Reasonのtweetupのために時間を作って、参加してくれた人 - ありがとう!! ALSO, THANKS AGAIN to everyone how took the time to be a part of the Deadman Wonderland / One Reason tweetup!!