最近楽しいぞ〜〜! | fade Jon(Jon Underdown)オフィシャルブログ Powered by Ameba

fade Jon(Jon Underdown)オフィシャルブログ Powered by Ameba

fade Jon(Jon Underdown)オフィシャルブログ Powered by Ameba

What up everyone?!

この間fadeの藤沢の方での3日間の合宿RECセッションも最高だった。fade Jon(Jon Underdown)オフィシャルブログ Powered by Ameba
ruiとnoriyukiはほとんど全曲のrhythm tracksを録り終えたり、Kanseiと5°のギターも大分進んだりして、どんどん新曲が格好よくなってきた!

I've been hella busy, but all is good with me!
Last week fade lived and recorded at a studio down in Fujisawa for 3 nights, and it was awesome! rui and noriyuki finished nearly all their rhythm tracks, Kansei and 5°made some serious headway with their guitar parts, and the new songs just continue to sound cooler and COOLER! On top of that it's the first time that we've been able to make music and spend this kind of time together in a live-in studio since we started fade around 9 years ago. It was definitely an welcome mix of new and positive vibes mixed with the memories of when we were just coming up.
fade Jon(Jon Underdown)オフィシャルブログ Powered by Ameba

Then it was back to Tokyo and into the rehearsal studio to start nailing down our game plan for the "King of Dawn LIVE TOUR" (12/16-12/20 → check our official site for ticket info etc. →  fade official site )
We're working on a killer mix of old and new songs, and new surprises for all our fans in Nagoya (16th), Osaka (18th), & Tokyo (20th). Not to mention that it just felt really good to play live with each other again for the first time in about 6 months. Even after just one rehearsal, all I can say is DON'T MISS OUT ON THESE SHOWS!!! YOU WILL BE SORRY IF YOU DO!!!
fade Jon(Jon Underdown)オフィシャルブログ Powered by Ameba

それから東京に戻って、リハスタに入って、12月16日ー20日の"King of Dawn LIVE TOUR" の準備を開始。
(チケット情報などはfadeのHPをチェック! → fade HP )
名古屋(16日)、大阪(18日)、& 東京(20日)のfadeファンのために古い曲、ライブでやったことのない曲、新曲などの超格好ステージを用意してるぞ。 それに6ヶ月ぶりにライブ用で演奏を合わせるのはリアルに気持ちよかったんだよね! まだリハ一本しかやってないけど、すごい良いツアーになるに違えない! 絶対に見逃すな皆!!

そして今また東京でのRECセッションから帰ってきた。fade Jon(Jon Underdown)オフィシャルブログ Powered by Ameba
Stay strong and stay positive everyone!!

And now just getting home from another killer REC session here in Tokyo.
There are lyrics to be written, so I'll be signing off for now.
Stay strong and stay positive!!