10: Tip for Skype lessons! | ジョンの英会話教室・John's English School

ジョンの英会話教室・John's English School

英語を学ぼう!Let's study English!

Hello everyone!
Did you have a nice weekend? 
It was my birthday on Sunday. I had a lovely weekend with my wife.
Today, I have a Skype lesson tip for you!
Do you ever feel frustrated when you're doing a lesson, and you have to look at something while talking to the teacher but you can't have both windows open at once?
There is a secret tip you can use to organize your windows! 
Follow the images below:
By holding the windows key and pressing left or right, you can make your windows take up 50% of the screen! Perfect for looking at your teacher while you look at the lesson materials!
Have a great day!