







The other day I went to visit Kanazawa City in Ishikawa Prefecture. The purpose of this visit was of course to eat Japanese sweets!

I ate famous Kaga Japanese sweets at a café called “Tsubomi” (flower bud), located near the Kanazawa 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art. This shop is famous for “Kudzu Kiri” (cut kudzu). This is treat is made from the starch of a kudzu, or arrowroot, plant. I ended up ordering the famous kudzu kiri and sweet chestnut soup.

I thought the texture of the Kudzu Kiri was very similar to konjac. The flavor was a little bland, but after dipping it in brown sugar syrup it became extremely sweet. I may have put too much syrup on it though.

The sweet chestnut soup had practically the same flavor as a “Mont Blanc” cake. Well, both of these dishes are made from chestnuts after all. However, differing from a mont blanc, the sweet chestnut soup was served warm. The day I went to Kanazawa was very cold, so after eating the chestnut soup I felt warm inside. It was a very pleasant feeling. This was the first time I had eaten these types of Japanese sweets, and it was a very good experience. If I have another chance I would like to visit this shop again.







A few days ago in a holiday called Thanksgiving took place in America. This holiday is similar to an “Appreciation Festival.” Everyone celebrates this day by expressing their thanks for many various things.

Originally this holiday was meant to celebrate a bountiful harvest. People would make a feast from the harvest and give their thanks for both the feast and the harvest.

Thanksgiving has not changed much from the olden days, but the way people celebrate it is different from person to person. Most people go to their parent’s homes and have a big meal with their family. However, if someone does not go home, they usually spend Thanksgiving with someone close or at a friend’s house. Also most people prepare a home cooked meal, but there are some people who go out to eat as well. It does not matter how someone spends Thanksgiving; the most important things are our feelings of thankfulness.

At my house my family gathers from all across the country. My aunt who lives in Chicago comes all the way to California, and my uncle who lives in a neighboring city also comes. Both my parents prepare a grand feast for us. Every year they make a whole roast turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, butter rolls, stuffing and corn. The preparation takes all day and is very hard, so my brother and I help out a little bit. After all the food is prepared, everyone shares what they are thankful for.

This kind of feast can only be eaten once a year, so I always look forward to eating it. Unfortunately I am in Japan this year, meaning I was not able to taste the food. I am a little disappointed, but it will just make the next Thanksgiving I can celebrate more special.

This is a continuation of my previous Golden Week blog. This time I’ll talk about my adventures in Kyoto and Osaka.

First I went to Kyoto from Tokyo on the Shinkansen and met up with my friends Yolie and Tiffani. I was very tired from all my traveling, so we just relaxed for most of the day. The next day we went to Kinkaku-ji, or the Golden Pavilion, which is a Buddhist temple painted in a gold lacquer. Needless to say it was very majestic and the perfect place to go during “Golden” Week!

The next place we went was Kiyomizu-dera, another famous temple in Kyoto. This temple is surrounded by nature and the facility itself is very large. This temple also has many “wish granting” powers. During the Edo period of Japan, it had been said if people jumped off the temple their wish would be granted; however, this practice lead to many injuries and is now prohibited. My personal favorite part of this temple is the Otawa waterfall; at which drinking the waters from these falls will grant the guzzler’s wish to come true. I of course lined up to drink this magical water.

After all the temples we went through the Gion district, but we didn’t see any Maiko or Geisha.

The last part of my adventure is in Osaka. Yolie, Tiffani and I mainly stayed in the Namba area, which is the big downtown part of Osaka. We tried to go to a club, but we were met with a big surprise… In Osaka it is illegal to dance! I did not think I would see the day when dancing is considered a hazard to society, but that day has come. Japan has some funky laws; I was very surprised.

In spite of all this, we still enjoyed the many attractions Osaka has to offer, for example, Osaka Castle, Osaka aquarium, Okonomiyaki (Japanese pancake), and Takoyaki (fried octopus balls).

By the end of Golden Week I was extremely tired but felt fulfilled with all my adventures. I cannot wait until next Golden Week!!








