病院内の略語 acronym | 40からの臨床留学








ABC  Argon Beam Coagulator

AC Ante Cibum (before meal)

ACS  acute care surgery

ADRC  Aging and Disability Resource Center

AMA  against medical advice

AMB  ambulatory

AMS  Altered Mental Status

AO X4 Alert and Oriented to person, place, time, and situation.

AODA alcohol and other drug abuse

A/P  abdomen/pelvis

APAP  acetaminophen

APP  Advanced practice providers

CBI continuous bladder irrigation

c/f  Clinical Features、consider for

CIC Cardiac Intensive Care

CIU Cardiac Intensive Unit

CIWA-Ar  Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol, revised

CMH glucose capillary-microhematocrit glucose

CMS-HCC  Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services - Hierarchical Condition Categories

CNA  Certified nursing assistant/Certified nurse aide

CPOT  Critical-Care Pain Observation Tool

cPRA  Calculated Panel Reactive Antibody

CTOH  CT of the Head

cvEEG  continuous video electroencephalography

CVI  cerebrovascular insufficiency

CVICU  Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit

CVL  central venous line

CVVH  continuous venovenous hemofiltration

c/w  consistent with

DC  discharge

DGF  Delayed Graft Function

DILI  Drug-Induced Liver Injury

DME  durable medical equipment

ED  emergency department

EBKT  en bloc kidney transplant

EOT  end of treatment

EP electrophysiology

Eplet MM  Eplet Mismatch

EPTS  Estimated Post-Transplant Survival

ETA Estimated Time of Arrival

ETT  endotracheal tube

EV  esophageal varices

FA folic acid

f/b  followed by

FB foreign body

FBO  Fixed-Base Operator

fingerstick AC/HS  "Ante Cibum" (Latin for "before meals")/"Hora Somni" (Latin for "at bedtime")

GAD  general anxiety disorder

GIB  gastrointestinal bleeding

H and H  Hemoglobin and Hematocrit

HRS hepatorenal syndrome

HS Hora Somni (before sleep)

IPP  interprofessional practice

IPR inpatient rehabilitation

IR  interventional radiology

IRI  ischemic reperfusion injury

ITx  Islet Transplantation

KDPI  Kidney Donor Profile Index

KP kidney and pancreas

KT  kidney transplant

LDAs Lines, Drains, and Airways

LMA  Laryngeal Mask Airway

LTx  Liver Transplant

mCRC/MCRC  metastatic colorectal cancer

MIC  Medical Intensive Care Unit

MDT  Multidisciplinary Team

MGMT  Management

MN  midnight

MPA Medroxyprogesterone Acetate

MRN  medical record number

MTG  meeting

MTM  medication therapy management

MWA  microwave ablation

MV  multivitamin

mvmt  movement

NAAT  Nucleic Acid Amplification Test

NAEs  Non-adverse events

NG/GT  Nasogastric/Gastric Tube

NGTD  no growth to date

NKR  National Kidney Registry

NSG  nursing

NVM  never mind

NYOD  Not Yet on Dialysis

OLTx  Orthotopic Liver Transplant

OOB  out of bed

OSH outside hospital

PAK  pancreas after kidney transplantation

PFT  Pulmonary Function Test

PIT  Pancreatic Islet Transplantation

POA  present on admission

POHA  preoperative holding area

POC glucose  point-of-care glucose

POHA Preoperative Holding Area

PRN  pro re nata

PTA  pancreas transplantation alone

PTx  Pancreas Transplant

QT  Quantitative

rec dz  recurrent disease

RTx  renal transplant

RVR rapid ventricular response

SAT  skilled acute rehabilitation/ subacute rehabilitation

SCD  sequential compression devices

SKT  single kidney transplant

s/p  status post

SPK  Simultaneous Pancreas-Kidney Transplantation

SQH subcutaneous heparin

SR  senior

SSDI  social security disability insurance

ST Surgical Technician

TBD to be determined

THC  tetrahydrocannabinol

thru  through

VAC  vascular access team

WL waiting list

w/r/t  with respect to

1GBWW 1 Guidance by Walker「ambulation 1GBWW」は、患者がウォーカーを使用して歩行することができる状態


2/2 secondary to

250NM  250 nautical miles