

it rained today. it rained yesterday also, which came as a surprise. So i remember checking the weather forecast several times to see if it was supposed to rain today. and unless i've grown too old to remember what i had seen the night before, i remember reading... SUNNY.

but what do you know, it rained... AGAIN.. and the weather forecast was wrong AGAIN.

According to my coworker paul, the weather forecast said it would rain around 6PM today. So conveniently, they changed the forecast after i had checked it. its either that or his iphone weather forecast is a lot more accurate than my bloody Docomo ones.

hate to believe so.

anyways, i had dinner with an old student of mine on Sunday. it was really nice to see her because we hadnt been in touch in about a month and a half due to a lousy job done by my company. she got upset and had blamed it on me, which she felt guilty for and was stressed out from it during August.

But we met and talked on Sunday, and cleared up the mess, and were able to become friends again. i think. i hope.

She took me out for dinner and treated me sushi. i hadnt had sushi in a loooooong time so man was it good!

thank you!!!!

My friend from America is also visiting. she and i have known each other for about 17 years now... longest and closest friend i've got. So its always good catching up with her. we had thai food together. yumyum.

I do have a picture with her so I will post it up on this blog soon. Keep your eyes open everyone, cuz shes really pretty.

Tomorrow's wednesday. which means ill be teaching english to me fellow theater company members. We talked about method of transportation last week but didnt get far. i want to get into giving directions and all of that so hopefully we will have time for that tomorrow.

And one more thing, my buddy tsuri is coming over tonight. I have no idea why, but he asked me out of the blue. So ill be having a guest today. perhaps ill post another blog later this evening if we do something. well cheers everyone!

and to my students. i hope you all read it this far. if you have any questions, feel free to ask!