Chacun Sa Vie Format Avi Transmission



2017 release Chacun sa vie




Chacun sa vie is a movie starring Eric Dupond-Moretti, Johnny Hallyday, and Nadia Farès. The lives of people facing various romantic complications gather for a jazz festival in the Burgundy wine-country town of Beaune

113 m

directed by=Claude Lelouch

Early life. Hallyday was born in Boulogne-Billancourt and is the son of the French singers Sylvie Vartan and Johnny Hallyday. David Hallyday is a first cousin of actor Michael Vartan.

Camden Town.
Notre Hard Rock Museum, une exposition permanente d'instruments et d'objets rares ayant appartenus aux plus grands noms du rock vaut la peine d'être visité au moins une fois dans sa vie.
Claude Lelouch.