
This would be JILCA’s 2nd time to visit this location.
When we were here last time, we had great attendance at JILCA’s first ever activity at this location.

JILCA ~東日本大震災 ボランティア~

This time, we found many had made up as if they were going out. When we asked about it, we were told
“It’s because we heard the massage therapists were coming! And we are really looking forward to having tea with everyone afterwards!”
When we heard and saw them, we also became very happy.

We talked for a while. When she got up and got ready to go, we gave her some small snacks as a parting gift.
She saw the small plastic bag, and said sadly:
“Right after the earthquake, this would have been 3-days worth of rations...”

Sometimes we are liable to forget that even those who are smiling in front of us are people who have suffered and are continuing to live in hardship,
Because everyone seems to be so cheerful.

JILCA ~東日本大震災 ボランティア~

More than 1 year after the disaster, some might question ”Is there really a need for volunteers even now?”
But at JILCA, we give the following instructions to all of our members:

Have you ever tried to pretend you are fine, when visitors come to cheer you up?
Do not forget that behind the smiling faces, there are those that are still losing sleep at night when they are by themselves.

Do not treat the residents as “pitiful victims.”
They are people who are trying to overcome hardships under circumstances beyond that of our imagination.
Do not forget that they are people deserving of our respect.

JILCA ~東日本大震災 ボランティア~

These are the reflections of a member who joined our activities for the first time and spoke to people affected by the disaster for the first time.
“I did not know how to act And I was afraid that I did not know what to say. But I came to understand the instructions given to us beforehand.
Don’t treat them as “ delicate victims.” Just interact naturally, one person to another.”

Many may think it’s difficult to conduct activities at temporary housing units.
But one does not have to be so afraid. It’s as easy as listening to someone who is speaking in front of you.
Even playing with children is an important activity.
Sometime it’s reading the instruction manual of a camera or blood pressure monitor to someone who says “the print is too small to read.”
Even if it’s nothing special, just some mundane task that needs doing, if we do it wholeheartedly, we think that may be enough.

JILCA ~東日本大震災 ボランティア~

For those that are still worried, why not join our Accessory Team or our Lunch Team?
When making something together, conversations naturally begin to flow.

There are many forms volunteering could take.
At JILCA, we would be satisfied if each one of us would start to do what we can do, little by little.