Hey there guys!

This here's a follow-up to my previous entry about my trip to Europe this summer. From Copenhagen I took a plane to Prague, the capital of Czech Republic. It was a fairly big city with seemingly more tourists than actual inhabitants. I felt like the whole world had decided to get their asses up and take a trip there. That, however, made the whole visit even more fun. Here's a few photos I took during my time there: (The rectangular ones were taken on my iPad, whereas for the rest I used a real camera.)


Nasty weather on the day I arrived.


I love you giant burger<3 (I think the feeling is mutual)


Had to get away from downtown to find some pristine settings.


Wish we had street lamps like that in Finland.


Sweet views from a boat on the main river.


I want to see that film so bad O.O


View from my hotel room window... maybe.


Random photo no. 5432


A bunch of tourists doing their thing.


Picturesque little houses.


I was low on HP so I had recover myself at the local Absinth Center.

That wraps it up for today! I'll be back with some more posts later this weekend. Keep it real guys!
Hey guys!

I've been traveling around Europe for the past week. Right now sun's shining and things couldn't be better. I thought I'd share some cool photos with you people so you can see what it's like here. =)

On Wednesday I arrived in Copenhagen, Denmark. It's a lovely city located at the Danish coast line. The people are very amiable and relaxed, so it was easy to get along with them. Everything was really expensive though, but that doesn't matter when you're on a holiday, right? :D





I didn't do much shopping in Denmark, but I didn't get myself a fragrance from Abercrombie&Fitch. It smells super nice on me. lol

Next time I'm gonna write about Prague, Czech Republic, so stay tuned guys!
Peace out-チョキ