Ever since the beginning of manifestation, there existed virus, as there are trees, forest, insects, animals, we have co-existed with micro-organisms and bacterias and such. It's always been there.

There has probably never been a time when we were able to digest food without our pro-actives we call  it now when it works to our advantage of a very instant nature. Who knows in the long run which is our advantage...


The Indigenous habitants considers all that there is to be a part of nature.







So when you jolt them and awaken them through abuse I'm sure they consider it a bombshell and act accordingly. Many flowers and plants after experiencing surprises as an unexpected freezing weathers and such when it is permitted and if they do survive....they will blossom more flowers to leave more seeds for the unseen future, they want to leave a legacy, their species...some how!


Well known scientists and chemists has many books out on the virus which gets born from the laboratory testing animals who undergoes terrible and hurtful experiments due to these unheartful humans.


I must agree as I am  firm believer of the late Dr. Morishita's findings, that this out-come is infact very natural. I must add if some one abused my family、my intetines will surelyI start birthing deadly virus. I may die from it but as a breathe and live some or more will get out to the public.

Aloha Medicines belief is such. These naturally ocuring viruses due to un-natural ways of hateful humans we lable them to be " the spirit of the forgotten forest"


ハワイ, 含め世界中の先住民族は、今回のコロナウイルスも地球の浄化であると見ています。



Many Indigenous people of the world including Hawaii, consider this Corona Virus to be a cleansing. God is cleansing. It is a natural occurance on the part of Mother Nature. It must save itself if not only for itself ... for us!...If there is no earth, where are we to survive?Moon?


So...some people do plan to live in out of state...I hope them well and hope they go very sonn and not come back!


  Infact I hear this from normal ordinary people as well. The stopping of the humans everyday movements has infact cleared the air and the ocean.


Do we have to come to this to realize what we are doing to the Mother Earth?


The Environmental Clock is ticking...


The doomsday clock is 100 seconds to Midnight as of January 20,2020



世界終末時計 ...残り100秒。。。






ジュジュベハワイ・クリニックのおすすめ:CBD, プロポリス、ペッパーミントなどのエッセンシャルオイルを部屋でディフューザーする。