The Para Athletics World Championships is the world's premier para athletics event. The first Championships was held in Berlin, Germany in 1994, and it has been held every two years since 2011.

The Kobe Championships was scheduled to be held in 2021, but was forced to be postponed twice due to the global covid-19 pandemic. Finally, in May 2024, it will be held in Kobe for the first time in East Asia. People both with and without impairments from the world will work together to connect the excitement of the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics.

171 events are scheduled to be held at the Kobe 2024 World Para Athletics Championships starting yesterday and many foreign Paralympians, staff members, supporters and audiences are visiting Kobe city.

Kobe has many popular sightseeing destinations and it is also well known that Kobe is the origin where fortune teller’s houses start attracting many tourist.

Fortune tellers house “Jem” is where you can take a fortune telling session from the popular spot where there is an experienced, skillful and English Speaking fortune teller.

Please visit us to get a glimpse of your future, destiny and the direct way to the happiness!

                  Kamo Kaishu






