Benefits of ThetaHealing BASIC DNA

Theta healing(r) is a powerful energy healing modality that uses a technique to change emotional, spiritual and physical beliefs. It can also change life patterns & improve relationships. As with most healing modalities, ThetaHealing becomes second-nature with practice. Monthly, ThetaHealing Mini-Class gatherings provide multiple opportunities for practice and the development of comfort and certainty with these incredible techniques.

Manifesting Abundance

Learn to manifest abundance in all areas of your life by changing belief systems and thought patterns that no longer serve you. Theta Healing benefits include a stronger connection to the Creator of All That Is, releasing ancestral and past life memory, mastery over belief work and DNA activation.

Unlike other energy healing methods, ThetaHealing is effective in creating change on a physical, emotional and mental level. It can transform hidden limiting energy patterns that cause dis-ease in health and relationships, release deeper abundance and thriving freedom in all areas of your life and enhance your intuition. These energy transformation techniques allow you to connect with the Universe on a much deeper level, and manifest your dreams quickly and easily. Enhanced intuition also allows you to tap into your own Inner Guidance System.

Reversing the Aging Process

Unlike other healing modalities that are based on the conscious mind only, ThetaHealing works directly with your unconscious programming at the level of the soul. This can bring about a change at a spiritual, mental, emotional and physical level. During the Basic DNA seminar, participants learn to activate the 12 strands of their DNA, clear away limiting beliefs and experience the opening towards the Unconditional Love of the Creator. They also master the concept of Soul Mates, future reading, balancing brain chemistry, clearing space and objects, and more. While the techniques learned in a seminar are simple to use, they require practice. This is how they become second-nature and how you can quickly reveal and eliminate limiting beliefs that would otherwise take years of traditional psychotherapy to overcome.

Resolving Emotional Issues

The ThetaHealing technique helps resolve emotional issues, such as grief and despair, phobias and fears and post-traumatic stress. It also heals relationships and removes parasites that drain your energy. The sessions use a combination of prayer and quantum physics to connect with シータヒーリング the Creator of All That Is, the unconditional love that heals us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It is important to note that the ThetaHealing practitioner does not do the healing; it is believed that you are healed in a meditative state using the Theta and Delta brain waves. During the session, you will be asked a series of questions to dig deep and uncover limiting beliefs at the root level. The limiting belief may be stored in your DNA or passed down from an ancestor. These beliefs are then replaced with positive alternatives to heal your life. The change is validated by muscle testing. This enables you to create a new reality.

Developing Intuitive Abilities

The ThetaHealing technique allows you to connect with The Creator of All That Is to discover your truth, clear limiting beliefs and create a reality that is most beneficial for you. This prestigious achievement qualifies you to be a certified ThetaHealing Practitioner. An Advanced DNA seminar provides you with a deeper understanding of the ThetaHealing technique, enhances your intuitive abilities and helps you create positive changes in your life and help others. It also enables you to heal genetic, historic and soul levels of beliefs. You will be amazed at how the energy of ThetaHealing works to immediately teach new information to your soul and directly into your cells. If you are looking for a healing school that teaches ThetaHealing, we recommend LeBlanc Spiritual Aroma & Healing Salon.

LeBlanc Spiritual Aroma & Healing Salon is a healing school and salon of ThetaHealing and Spiritual Aroma, located within a 4-minute walk from the Meguro Station in Tokyo. It is hosted by Nobuko Hasegawa of “ThetaHealing Master Science”, who has taught more than 6,300 people for over 13 years. Visit the Healing Salon LeBlanc website at find out more today! They offer individual sessions and courses on ThetaHealing and Spiritual Aroma, which are subconscious rewriting methods. ThetaHealing courses include: Subconscious Rewriting Course (Basic DNA), Applied DNA, Dig Deeper, Abundance and Wish Fulfillment – Abundance, Game of Life, Extrasensory Anatomy, Soulmates, You and Your Partner 1, Your Relationship with the Creator 2, You and Your Inner Circle – Relationship 3, Plant, Animal, Rhythm, DNA3, Practical Sessions, Free ThetaHealing Meditation Sessions, Spiritual Aroma Theta Therapist Training Course, ThetaHealing, ThetaHealing & Raindrop, and so much more. ThetaHealing Basic DNA is recommended for the following people: People who want to rewrite their subconscious mind so that they can achieve whatever they want. People who want to let go of their current worries and illnesses and change their lives. People who want to acquire reading and healing skills and become a professional healer. People who want to awaken to their psychic and spiritual abilities. People who want to feel what it is like to connect to the universe, God, and angels. People who want to achieve happy partnerships and abundance. And people who want to find their soul’s desires and live out their mission in life! Visit the LeBlanc Spiritual Aroma & Healing Salon website to see the schedule of subconscious mind rewriting course (basic DNA) schedule and to apply today. You’ll be happy that you did!