READDOWNLOAD@ Seasons of Life Our Walk with Christ {read online}






Seasons of Life: Our Walk with Christ

Author : Marilee Mayfield
Pages : 56
Language :
Release Date :2021-9-1
ISBN :195646221X
Publisher :Puppy Dogs & Ice Cream

Children will fall in love with Jesus and the greatest stories ever told through this beautiful book.We follow a family as they walk through a park in every season, sharing their favorite stories from Jesus' life.It begins with the stories behind Christmas, and travels all through the seasons, ending in the fall with wonderful biblical tales shared along the way. Seasons of Life: Our Walk with Christ teaches children of all ages the true meaning behind Christian love, and how they can best cherish and respect His plans.Awe-inspiring illustrations, clear explanations, and a charming rhyming cadence work together to make this book perfect for introducing children to Jesus, so they can begin the most important relationship of their lives.The perfect book for reading together as a family, Seasons of Life: Our Walk With Christ is an instant classic, and a must-have for any Christian home.

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