READDOWNLOAD#( The 40-Day Feast Taste and See the Goodness of God's Word PDF




The 40-Day Feast: Taste and See the Goodness of God's Word

Author : Wendy Speake
Pages :
Language :
Release Date :--
ISBN :1540901254
Publisher :

Get hungry for God’s WordMany Bible believers aren’t Bible readers, while others devour God’s Word and are hungry for more. Whether you’ve read your Bible multiple times, only tasted bits and pieces, or are ready to finally whet your appetite for the first time ever, these forty daily devotionals will help you to taste and see how good and applicable God’s Word is to your daily life.The 40-Day Feast invites you to the table to· learn how to ingest and digest whole passages for yourself· discover the transforming power bound up in your Bible· apply its truths to your daily life· awaken a deep hunger for more of God and less of the things that don’t satisfyNow is the time to seek and find what God has to say and how we are to live as a result. Pull up a chair! Welcome to the feast!

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